Some folks have emailed me that they were having problems clicking on my hyperlink in post 23205 which in turn would have taken them to a hypothetical "diaglogue" [sic] with Mr. Adami the Chief Executive Officer of Miller Brewing Company, and although very much "one-sided" it seems to me based on the reaction of whole lot of folks who would prefer to remain anonymous I should repeat it.

It began with me making "referance" [sic] to an email I sent the folks at Miller Brewing Company in which I asked for the private email address of Mr. Norman Adami who for all I know could be the South African Indian lover of my more well known cousin-journalist Mark Gevisser who is tasked with writing the auto-biography of South Africa's current prime minister Thabo Mbeki:


Hi buster - what do u think of my wife’s IN-FINITY logo which of course I haven’t bothered registering, my having learned a thing




tT while “working out” the folks at Epilady USA, those a-dam Israeli brothers and sisters of mine seeing fit to dispense with the niceties of “unfair trade” practiced by those folks who stole the most affording the highest priced hired guns on the planet instead letting knock off artists know that besides water the most precious commodity is a human beings’ brain, best left in tact, agree?


And of course Mr. Adami I would probably be the last person on this planet to ever advocate violence which I am smart enough to have worked out plays right into the hands of the “ruling elite”, agree?


Both u and I in all likelihood sharing more in common than simply having soft skins worth protecting to the bitter end, the lightweights that we r, agree?


Just kidding, pay no attention to the description of me by Dr. JBS, never to the best of my knowledge weighing even an ounce over 140 pounds and to think given everything else I have since disclosed The Sperm Donor is still a practicing, pathologist at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, incredible agree?


Now don’t worry about your liability insurance premiums going thru the roof since there is a much greater likelihood this pathetic creature was very possibly drinking a BUD Light when he filed a materially false and grossly misleading criminal complaint against me back on 9-11-2002?


So what do u think this out-of-control pathological liar was celebrating on that infamous day, thinking ahead that one day he would become so incredibly famous, agree?


The past and the future u would surely agree coming together in the present, agree?


My understanding is that u have a pretty decent command of mathematics, agree?


Poison Pill provisions I would assume u would certainly agree based on your far superior formal schooling than me is something we should dispense with right this very instant and why not join me in calling on our GREAT GREAT

 President George W. Bush to do the right thing this very instant and suspend trading of public corporations so that we don’t have to endure another great war, agree?


Each and every loss of life costing more than either of us can endure, a penny for your thoughts at this time?


So then let me continue bearing in mind my Partner-Wife’s one classic expression,


When the dialogue becomes tT monologues it is the beginning of the end” [sic],


Followed by,


This world would be far better off if women were on permanent PMS then they wouldn’t put up with any of the bullsh1t” [sic]!


The time tho is fast approaching dinner time and I still want to walk the dogs while it is still light, so why not spell out in crystal clear 4th grade English what would be wrong for the BUD folks to go beyond simply saying Miller Brewing is owned by South African Breweries when we both know that is quite untrue and BUD knows perfectly well, u would agree, how it came to pass that South African Brewries were able to move their so incredibly hard earned assets offshore, courtesy would u say of which figurehead government, the Nationalist Nazi Party that ruled from 1948 until around 1993 when the African National Congress were given the mantle of “free trade” if they “tT∞ behaved” [sic]?


Is that a “Yes




A “No




A “Maybe”?


Now tell me this, when u examine the photo in the “Kiss” hyperlink above would u say the date “sumwhat” [sic] smudged reads April 1966, agree?


Now at the time I was all of 9 years and 1 month old but incredibly wouldn’t u agree that some 20 months after that photo could have been taken I was on this train ride from Zurich to Kitzbuel, u would agree the skiing in Kitzbuel is far superior to Arosa



U wouldn’t have run into my first cousin, Karene Gevisser, what about my sister Kathy-Louise Gevisser Danziger?


So u want to know where I am going with all this “model” talk?


And of course I have absolutely not much of a say were u to be interested in hiring either of our dogs but I am not sure u can really afford my Partner-Wife, agree?


Which reminds me I still need to address with my “simple” landlord this point about “sex a` trios is out of the question!


The $64,000 question I believe is the following:


Could u run by me just one time your business model assuming for just one moment the population does not continue to rise as most of u really smart folk pin your hopes up high and then plug in to your worksheet the same X factor others tuned in to this missive have already figured out once the world knows u r “beet” [sic], agree?


U also agree that it is The Meek WITH TEETH Shall Inherit The Earth?

Gary S. Gevisser
The Rattlesnake

Ps - U can reach me at