From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 8:24 PM
To: Carol Briggs
Cc: Devin Standard
Subject: RE: Documents needed


Carol, sorry.


It is hard given the number of Emails I receive seeking “guidance” to tell u 4 certain how I got your email address, very likely it had something to do with an email I received back on May 18th about me joining in a pitiful gasoline strike which a statistically valid representative sampling of the world’s literate population seemed to agree with this broadcasted response that contained the following:


“ just adding a couple of dozen names to my email list after my beach pal Jerry owner of dot broadcasted a message to join in on the gas boycott called for tomorrow, interesting don’t u think it will be to see the reaction of his pals when finding themselves in a middle of “nightmare”, those of course who have allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning, so caught up in “quick fix, quick sex” routines that keep the rich getting rich and yes some of these mountain-lion bicyclists may continue to think they will be spared when the dirt poor are wakening with each tick of the clock that they have been had by one generation after the next so fixated on making ends meet, the idea of us Americans not paying our fare share of the pollution we create on the rest of the world finally coming home to roost, to repeat time and again my Endless Universe which the Editor of the Del Mar Times here in Del Mar, California allowed to be published just a couple of weeks ago:


Such a high price today we pay at the pump for mortgaging our children’s future never to forget the Yellow Peril and the counter revolution that caused the youth to ‘chop off the heads’ of the educated even those elders who didn’t allow their formal education to interfere with their learning, agree?”


I was quite hurried in getting out this email to Sue Prom a loan officer at Wells Fargo Bank perhaps not quite used to a prospective client “promising to threaten her” this afternoon’s communiqué now edited somewhat, any and all changes, obviously not including subtractions,




Divisions, are indicated in bold green, just click on “documents needed” below.


Since u and the rest of Jerry’s bicycle gang did not request to be added to my email list I will not add any of your names to my delete list should we truly want to be kept out of the lp.


I sure would like 4 u to reconsider staying on my “one of a kind” rather finely tuned list if for no other reason than the delayed reaction of what I had to say at today’s Toastmaster meeting held at the “crack of dawn”, the Episcopalian Church here in downtown Del Mar the same spot I helped elect our great President George W. Bush.


At the end of this rather delightful gathering of incredibly good-looking people so immaculately put together I was asked what I thought of the gathering thinking for a moment back when my extraordinary mother put on fashion shows, the idea of having each one of the 40 odd individuals predominantly women strip down to their bare essentials several of them from what I could tell possibly wearing my partner-wife’s amazing lingerie which just very recently went missing altho, I could have sworn when I picked up our 14 year-old at Torrey Pines High School the other day perhaps as many as one third of the 4,400 odd students had this dead give-away smile on their faces that they had got a pretty good deal, my choosing in the best interests of time realizing that I would lose the audience if I went off into a tangent about my poor eyesight and hearing to simply blurt out rather quickly,


“Friends, Romans, countrywomen, lend me all the money u have on u at this very moment, Union Bank less than 30 meters away as the crow flies to withdraw your entire lifesavings once I first tell why I came here today other than to see if any of u would be interested in my partner-wife’s amazing fashion creations, all part of the  “sheer madness” GrubbyGrub and creations, both websites needing to be renewed altho there really is no hurry given my “inimical” nature, which is the new word I understand has to be thrown in with every monologue, bear in mind that I have been programmed by my partner-wife who I worship even when stretched out as her “lacky”, i.e. sex-slave, u all surely very familiar with that Leonardo Di Vinci drawing of a man stretched to the limit,


When the dialogue becomes t monologues it is the beginning of the end[sic],


there no beginning, middle




End to E=mc², one lady to my left mentioning earlier,


“Pay attention to the end as well as the beginning”


which brings me back to what someone else said right I after I was introduced at the start of this meeting,


“... our alien chef. I didn’t know if the room was going to be filled with green men with their stun guns”,


to mention in passing I see great opportunity here to broaden everyone’s experience by throwing in some basic technology which I will be happy to license to u for,,, lets see,,, absolutely nothing since I borrowed the idea from a group setting I was involved with some 2 decades ago.


Suffice to say I seek your assistance in helping me put together the finishing touches to my book Manager Minute One which is about empowering the kids to parent the parents who need the most help, my target audience falling off precipitously once folks reach the age of 23 when they most often turn into adult “diks”, I am not sure whether that expression deserves a “sic”




A “non-sic”, another way, however, of saying that moment in time when their formal education interferes with their learning” [sic].


Carol, if I may be so bold as to address u again by your first name, please don’t forget that it has been almost 2 decades since I spoke to a gathering of more than 4 people in addition to my dog, Pypeetoe, at least that is as best I recall.


Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed it possible that 99.9898% of the most beautiful people in all of the United States of America could be assembled under one rather magnificent red wood roof, a pick-up environment perhaps even better than say being a pool attendant at a fancy Rancho Sante Fe country club while “moonlighting” as the baseball manager-coach of not one but several mothers so incredibly bored with their testosterone clad husbands-boyfriends who have sons and daughters playing oh so competitive sports, agree?


Not to suggest for a moment anyone in their “wright” [sic] mind bothered with me despite my trying in the 15 seconds that I spoke to make big gestures displaying as best I could no ring on my stogy wedding finger, the only thought possibly going through the minds of the other men present were that if they were to be successful in encouraging me to return, filling the few vacant seats, such an incredibly insidiously calculated move on their part would only be to improve their odds of success given my incredible ugly-duck looks.


So let me know what u think.





-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Briggs []
Friday, June 04, 2004 6:22 PM
Subject: RE: Documents needed


You are sending this stuff to the wrong e-mail address. I keep on recieving mail that is not intended for me. By the way this Jerry Speirs"s girlfriend Carol. How did you get my e-mail address?

"Gary S. Gevisser" <> wrote:

Sue – I am under the gun...