From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 4:15 PM
To: Katana Forbes
Cc: rest
Subject: RE:


Katana, I have just spoken with Kim Blackwood and I will have the insurance premium payment in her hands first thing Tuesday morning.


In the event I get run over by a cement truck I am copying my new bride, Marie Dion Gevisser [MDG] along with directions:


Hwy 52 east to 15 south

Claremont Mesa turnoff, left on Murphy Canyon, 3rd building, 4995, suite 202

8:30 am sharp.


A fully loaded cement truck identical to the one that landed on its side just 6 feet away from where I was sitting back on October 21st of last year just passed by the window of the Starbucks in downtown Del Mar where I am currently sitting which is right across from the spot where I almost ended up as mincemeat.


MDG happens to be the first and only bride I intend to have even if G-d decides to take her before me which I doubt very much given all the amount of light she still has to bestow upon this earth. I on the other hand have lived a full life already having had more than my share of close calls and besides who would want a was

hed out guy who in a matter of hours will be “fixed.”








From: Katana Forbes

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 2:45 PM
Subject: RE:




The agency name is C. Lee Williams & Associates and their phone number is (858) 268-9400





From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Friday, May 23, 2003 11:24 AM


Katana hi – I mislaid the telephone number for Kim Blackwood and don’t remember the name of the agency. Please would you email me her telephone number as I am on the road and my cell phone isn’t turned on.


Thank you once again.

