From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 8:44 PM PT
To: Leah Brandon - KFI 640 AM
Cc: rest;; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department;; Dr. Laura Family; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Mossad; Stedman;; AIG - American Life Insurance Company - Bahrain; Diana Henriques - journalist New York Times - Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards - December 10, 1996; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq.;; Roger W. Robinson; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Laurie Black - Strategic Partners with Southwest Strategies, Steve Alexander Group,; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Nigel Hanbury - Chief Executive - Lloyds of London - Agent; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild;; Larry Winokur - Baker Winokur Ryder; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State; Professor Trevor Jones - Economics Dept - University of Natal, South Africa; Kathy Belville Esq - Managing Partner, Fair Housing Department - Kimball, Tirey & St. John; Steven Lee Parkinson - Mothercare - Middleast; South China Morning Post;; Vicky Schiff - co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group; Oprah; Newell Starks - Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation fronting corporation;; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist; Professor Joe Grundfest - Stanford University - former member of the SEC; Joe Ash; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks;;
Subject: Shutting down for the night but thought my insight and analysis of what your buddy Ziegler said earlier might help you sleep less, not that you "care".


While driving back from the Pine Valley video store to our Stone Home Ziegler was ranting and raving about “we have a Constitution…” before going on to comment that this document put “to-get-her” [sic] by elitists prevents the government from doing “blah blah” to its citizens.


Ziegler is selling, just like OJ is selling, just like you and just like me, each of us has our idea of what is and what is not “free speech”.


You and Ziegler and soon the whole world will never forget that Ziegler who professes to be so “very passionate” on so many issues it is hard to tell what apart from selling his soul had him promoting the other evening nothing other than Blue Nile, an Internet fronting public corporation for the DAAC who need no introduction.


The DAAC who price fix everything from currency to broadcast radio licenses do in fact make all the rules in addition to deciding what is and what is not “Constitutional” as if that really means all that much right now to our oil tyrants not knowing what EXACTLY to do about this Starbucks and Mothercare “controversy” I have started that as you can imagine wont go away until Kingdom Come.


So place yourself indoctrinated from birth with, “We are a nation of laws”, as much as you don’t “care” about the problems of Israel, in the shoes of any one member of the Kuwaiti or Saudi Royal families, your only decision of importance which may or may not have anything to do with “free speech” but certainly it would be “constitutional” for you to decide to CONTINUE accepting our worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars in exchange for your peoples’, not your tyrant family’s, precious oil and in being so obliging to us still having “sumwhat” [sic] of a loaded gun pointed at your head increase the odds of your masses not all getting drunk on Starbucks coffee saying, “off with Leah Brandon’s head




CHOOSING instead to seek the “protection” of a friendly and might I add the words “productive and inventive” ally such as China increasingly “backed up” by Israeli Special Forces Commanding Officers and their expertly trained commandos rather “brilliantly” recruited by the Mossad who would have been happy to forgo a Jewish State in 1948 were it not for the DAAC stooge Hitler perfecting the murderous assaults by marauding gangs of Cossacks who in butchering my great maternal grandmother’s entire family right before Nechie Badash’s eyes left an indelible imprint of the mind of this rather resourceful woman who caught the eye of another villager from the tiny village of Poinsk located in what my super secretive one-of-a-kind Mossad agent Royal Mater insisted I know only as, “White Russia” although once she mentioned her paternal grandparents came from Poland where the borders kept changing depending upon who was in charge of killing Jews.


Just a thought as you rest your head right now on Ziegler’s shoulders who I would have assumed has seen the benefits of saving your one horse from the butcher’s block and has CONTRIBUTED SIGNIFICANTLY with the rest of your “aimless” colleagues to paying off the debt to your father so fortunate to have been in the right place at the right time with some $10,000 to spare?


BTW, I am now devouring, but ever so slowly the most creative Vegan Thanksgiving dinner prepared by my wife’s 17-year old daughter with of course excellent “back up” by my “secret weapon” wife.


[Word count 605]