From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:41 PM
To: Bill
Cc: Lor
Subject: RE: Tax appointments...SOCIALIST-BANKERS...---...


Actually, it was a whole lot more beautiful when it was pouring, now it is still drizzling but still nothing short of breath taking.


This is in fact the greatest time to be alive in the history of mankind so long as one has been smart enough to work out the puzzle of life and consequently to have done the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing.


In my effort to “pull out all stops” and not disappoint you all, moreover to make it on time for my 2pm appointment that was approximately an hour ago, I had decided when realizing less than halfway through our invigorating long hike I hadn’t fed the dogs this morning that I would in fact brave the storm, take the “high ground” on my Ducati ST4S which is anything but an off-road motorcycle, even got “tTOo” [sic] the point of checking out the terrain I would have to “plow through” as there was no way I would get through the creek which had “all butt” [sic] extended to the dirt road BUT when I went to lift the Ducati that had fallen downhill I wasn’t even able to get it to budge and when you consider these physical characteristics that a very sick puppy had attributed to me, signed under penalty of perjury, you would think I could have been able lift this 700 odd pound crouch rocket with my bottom lip to mention little of me repeating what is contained in “black and white” in the previous hyperlink beginning with my age back on 9/11/2002 was 45 not approximately 40, my height was at tops 5 foot 8 and ½ inches not some giant of 5 foot 11 inches who weighed 180 pounds although at 140 pounds I Could have given this so old and growl looking Sperm Donor clown as well as his “phatso” [sic] “on-off butt-fc*K” [sic] girlfriend one big fat lip assuming of course I could wade through both their fat.


Part of figuring out the “puzzle of life” requires coming to terms with an expression I picked up from my stepfather Alan Zulman who was a maven in the South African clothing industry until he decided he wanted to spend the rest of his life with my Royal Mater over in England, my RM requiring him to grow his hair so as to remind himself each day he looked into the mirror that he didn’t need to go into the office.


Alan would say when reading someone the “riot act” words to the effect,


When I make a mistake I pay for it. And when you make a mistake come hell or high water you are going to pay for it.”


I did mess up today and could easily have mitigated the damages I have caused by simply coming up the day or two days before knowing that a storm was on its way. Instead I thought I could be smart by swapping cars with my wife and having her keep the Pathfinder SUV leaving me with the Mini Cooper S and the Ducati, my thinking that the Mini would get me through traffic that much quicker if I ended “pushing things to the limit” by visiting with my one American programmer Adam Tucker longer than what was “necessary” while constantly focused at all times including now to best implement the solutions for solving all the problems of the world.


In one stroke I am quite certain such a feat can in fact be accomplished but first I have to get these “necessary” distractions out of the way.


One of the things I have to keep reminding myself is the fact that it is going to take each one of us 6.4 billion on this planet to truly want to give peace a better chance and therefore one cannot tell anyone including oneself exactly what to do and how to do it but to rather be “guided” by the principle of “do unto others as you would want done unto yourself” which makes as much sense in this “dog eat god aspartame” [sic] world as me trying to convince you in this one email that I have in fact come up with all the solutions to solve the problems of the world without a single person giving up what they have and for those that don’t have to be given that and more, so long as they can express themselves in any one of the 42 languages broadcast by the BBC.


First though I have to “make up” for the mistake I made in thinking that I had done everything “necessary” to be on time for this appointment that is in fact preventing me from “pulling the plug” on all the selfish people out there and in the process of my thinking that I am doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing I could in fact screw up my very carefully laid out plans.


Consequently, I agree to buy the pizza along with a healthy salad for everyone in the office without me insisting everyone hand over their email list.


Second, I am doing you all a very big favor by having you read what Ron Bellows Senior of AIG sent me on February 3rd that you may have already read by clicking on to one of my hyperlinks but in the event you are having more problems today than usual with the hyperlinks which I doubt has to do with the rains I will “cut and paste” it below:


From: Ron Bellows Senior – Senior Risk Management Specialist - AIG
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 3:57 PM
Subject: Any thoughts ? Tie in to the diamond cartel ? illuminati ??


The U.S. Government is spending more money than the entire world is able to lend to it. To fund this spending, the government is monetizing the debt: literally printing money.


As they print more and more cash, it makes the rest of our cash worth considerably less.


But as investors around the world see what's going on, they are losing faith in the value of the American Dollar, so they're selling off their dollar-based assets in favor of something that maintains real value: gold and silver.


Two things are scheduled to ccur in March which will seal the fate of the American Dollar:


1) The U.S. Federal Reserve will CEASE reporting "M3" data. M3 is the amount of cash money in circulation. They will conceal this data as of March. At that point, no one, anywhere in the world, will be able to accurately gauge how much a "dollar" is really worth; so they're dumping dollars now.




2) The Iranian Oil Bourse will open for business. This Bourse (Commodity/Mercantile Exchange) will allow nations of the world to purchase oil in Euros instead of dollars. Once that happens, countries around the world will no longer need to hold huge reserves of American Dollars to purchase oil; and a lot of those countries will follow China's lead and DUMP their U.S. Dollar Cash reserves.


These two occurrences will flood the market with Dollars - that no one will want to buy - thus causing a complete collapse of the U.S. Dollar.


Consider for a moment that the U.S. imports almost everything nowadays. We manufacture almost nothing within the U.S. anymore. So if we need to import things, but no one wants our dollars, how will we get the things we need? Hint: We won't. Economic Collapse. Worse than the Great Depression of 1929.


When this collapse happens, keep in mind the people directly reponsible for it are: Elected Federal Officials, Businesses which exported our manufacturing jobs overseas and Bankers. ALL OF THEM should BE MADE TO PAY A HORRIBLE PRICE -PERSONALLY- for this catastrophe.


There are only two things that need to happen to DELAY (not prevent) this economic collapse: We bomb Iran so they cannot open their Oil Bourse (notice the increasing drumbeat for war with Iran lately?) AND a "Terrorist Attack" within the continental United states of such a horrific scale (i.e. Nuclear detonation), that Martial Law must be declared, totally controlling everything in the country. I suspect BOTH events will occur very soon.


Third, now read this very thoughtful “risk management” assessment just one more time beginning with what RBS wrote in the subject line and then give thought to the fact that RBS is in my humble but seasoned “risk assessment” opinion, the most competent “risk management” specialist “walking the plane” [sic].


While you and I as well as the vast majority of the world’s human population not yet at each other’s throats can look around and still see the beauty of G-D-NAture, you having stored without me telling you in the back of your mind Ron’s capitalized “DELAY” followed by “(not prevent)”, the truth of the matter is that RBS is 100% accurate in his assessment.


But he is not G-d who ultimately controls the timing of everything bearing in mind that time is only relative to mankind.


BOTH events will occur very soon unless we all get with the program and that includes me taking care of this very important “distraction” of getting my taxes out of the way.


I have in fact laid out in my recent writings the exact blueprint that WILL, not may, save the world in our lifetimes because as RBS has pointed out in explaining the world’s fictitious currencies there isn’t a chance in hell of us outliving this pending worldwide economic collapse.


Now is the time for each of us to take a very deep breath and see how extraordinarily easy it is going to be especially when looking at the “downside” to mention little once again and again of the “common ground” I have found that together with the “pivotal stake” now boring its way to the center of the earth that ties together left wing radical militant groups with “capitalist pigs” feeding off the good and hard working masses, it will be as easy as pie.


Between RBS and just me we have both the knowledge and credibility to convince even the imbeciles amongst us who are not the problem, not even close.


Nor is the problem those suicide bombers and the nutcase Mullahs spurring them on.


The problem is and remains those at the top of pyramid, the elitists who simply don’t want to work for a living who understand everything I am writing including the fact that I have the solutions that won’t require them giving up anything, in fact they can have even more of their fictitious lifestyles without it upsetting the “blueprint” I have thought through extraordinarily carefully.


It all comes down to “face saving” and even that very subjective aspect I have nailed down to the Nth degree which all comes back to “timing” and the need for me right now to not be in too much of a hurry as each one of us who has got more than our fair share of the graft must come to terms with their selfishness in thinking this world is all about them.


I did in fact have a hotel reservation for both tonight and tomorrow night but quite frankly I am now more than a little exhausted and would prefer to come up tomorrow at a reasonable hour.


Please let me know what works for you all.




[Word count 1910]


From: Bill
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 1:22 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Cc: Lor
Subject: RE: Tax appointments...SOCIALIST-BANKERS...---...




Homesteader that you are, why not use those downed trees to bridge the surging creek, then skillfully pilot your single-track ST4 over them and out into the great wide world? 


Fortunately, knowing it was raining, knowing your were bike-bound, knowing you will do ANYTHING to avoid a tax appointment, we didn’t, in fact, hold our collective breath in anticipation of your arrival.  Lory has informed me that her Cubic Zirconia prices must edge upwards for each appointment you miss.  SO GET IN HERE ASAP.  I might be able to convince her to  give you one freebie… but only if you bring or cause to bring pizzas from Johnnie’s New York, which is right down the street.


Funny how it has turned into such a beautiful day…




From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:37 AM
To: Lor
Cc: bill
Subject: RE: Tax appointments...SOCIALIST-BANKERS...---...


While I have explained in this heavily broadcasted communiqué the absolute truth about why I cannot make my appointment today at least not by 2 PM, there is another truth about the downpour that has been going on all night that would prevent me getting through the dirt road leading to the paved road, unless of course I went out and picked up my motorcycle which may have more than a lot of difficulty as I now cannot tell the difference between the flooding creek and what was once a dirt road.


In fact the more I think about it maybe when I go out in my long hike I should start collecting the torn down trees clogging the creek and immediately upon my return begin building an ark.


What do you think?


Ps – My dial-up internet connection is only working intermittently.


From: Lor
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:43 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: RE: Tax appointments...SOCIALIST-BANKERS...---...


Thanks for the offer but we will be working until 9PM that night.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:41 PM
To: Lor
Cc: bill
Subject: RE: Tax appointments...SOCIALIST-BANKERS...---...




Can I take you out for dinner afterwards and of course the invitation extends to Bill as well as your husband?


From: Lor
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:35 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: RE: Tax appointments...SOCIALIST-BANKERS...---...


The only opening I have on Tuesday is 3PM


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:10 PM
To: bill
Cc: Lor
Subject: FW: Tax appointments...SOCIALIST-BANKERS...---...


For reasons I don’t wont to bore you with while going down on my hands and knees begging you please to at least consider postponing our getting “to-get-her” [sic] celebrations until Tuesday any time, but if you insist on tomorrow at 2 PM, I will, G-d willing, make it up to the Peoples Republic of Santa Monica on the Ducati ST4S super fast motorcycle having already made arrangements with my SIIG other co-dependant, to mention little of the delay it will cause before the start of the weekend in taking those SOCIALIST-BANKERS who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority on a rather important educational light journey.


[Word count 111]


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:37 PM
To: Bill
Subject: RE: Tax appointments


Ok with me if Lor rides shotgun on the way up but if you plan on tackling Noble Canyon you better be dressed like this, know how to use a gun like this when confronting rattlesnakes, mountain lions and hunters the most dangerous and if not and not willing to engage in live fire training that should take no more than 10 minutes, less if either or both of us gets killed or simply seriously wounded then I suggest you at least let me give you a crash course in fencing .


Can I assume when Lory arrives at 2pm on Friday she will have the software that we will then load into my desktop computer and then she and I will ride off “to-get-her” [sic] in to the sunset while you finish up the taxes and clean the dishes after a delicious meal downed by great champagne and when filling out the job app remember to be kind and gentle when dogsitting Maggie and Pypeetoe.


[Word count 166]


From: Bill
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:06 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Cc: Lor
Subject: RE: Tax appointments


If I read you correctly, you’re saying you’re cool with $250, or will at minimum pay it grudgingly but will pay it – knowing as you do that service of this description is actually quite invaluable and a bargain at any price.  And, if I read you correctly, you need an appointment Friday for reasons that I respect though am not so foolish as to comment upon.


And while I do enjoy your emails, I think I’m the only one around the office crafty enough to make it look as though I’m working while I read them.  In other words, I’ll be guarding the secret email protocol with mace and morningstar, along with Fang 3, my trusty chimera, at my side.

Friday at 2 PM.  Unfortunately, I will in fact not be here.  I will be, ironically enough, mountain biking in the Cleveland National Forest.





From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:15 PM
To: Bill
Cc: Lor
Subject: RE: Tax appointments


What the “fc*k” [sic]?


What in “doG’s” [sic] name has you working as Lor’s slave.


Mastering the English language as you do so fricken eloquently has me now preparing an employment application for you.


First, and most importantly what are your measurements?


Second, how would you know that I haven’t seen a dentist in years while dental flossing at least twice a day and brushing at least the canine on average 2.5 times daily bearing in mind that my Super Intelligent Italian Greyhound has this super long and extraordinarily fast tongue that seems to have a mind of its own that is followed up with this growl look that has on average once every two days brushing the SIIG’s canines up against mine.


Third, given how my out of this world beautiful beyond description out this world sexy wife just called to let me know that she is willing to come up to the rock home tomorrow so long as I perform my sex slave responsibilities 24/7 which would mean me having to delay coming up to LA a day just because I am not in that great a shape and will need at least a day to recover especially if I am coming up on the one of a kind crouch rocket Ducati ST4S, I would agree to the Cubic Zirconia prices.


Fourth, if this meets with your approval I will not only give you an honorable mention in my forthcoming book MMI but will now add both you, Lor and everyone I meet at your offices to my one of a kind email list without you feeling like you have to contribute back all of the fees that I assume is ok if I paid you in gold.


[Word count 290]


From: Bill
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:24 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Cc: Lor
Subject: RE: Tax appointments




I’ve taken the reins to respond on Lor’s behalf, owing, as I’m sure you can understand, to the long and dare I say continuous flow of communications between my terminal and yours, located as it is in the heart of the Cleveland National Forest.


Simply put: displace your couch cushions and search the ensuing cavity for change, for, as corrupt as the international monetary system may be – facts I have learned via the digestion of your thorough, dare I say exhaustive, treatise on same – Lor’s expertise doesn’t come cheap.  However, in light of her thorough immersion into the complex and ever shifting world of economics, her years of schooling and real-world practice, and her hard-earned mastery of tax matters, her fees are in fact a ridiculous bargain at $250 per return.  She mills diamonds, Gary, at Cubic Zirconia prices.  Into this amount she has generously let slide several last minute cancellations, the dollar value of which is difficult to ascertain but if added would quite likely top four figures at this point.  In other words: you’re getting off cheap.


Your time away from saving the world will be well spent, as you’ll be forestalling Al Capone’s fate: confinement to a small cell, prohibited from use of computer and cell phone, which, I can only assume, are necessary in the pursuit of your future conquests of the international monetary system.


$250 per return.  And an honorable mention in one of your mailings.  No less.




From: Lor
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:10 PM
To: Bill
Subject: FW: Tax appointments


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 8:53 PM PT
To: Lor
Subject: RE: Tax appointments