From: Gary S. Gevisser
Thursday, November 04, 2004 7:58 AM
Ron Bellows
Cc: crest; Denise Bellows;
Ron Bellows Jnr;; Sternshow
Subject: Next Symposium {:}{}


My dear friend, just like the wrong perception is reality to most so is the right perception reality to “sum” [sic], balance everywhere even in this “Dog eat God” [sic] world - the reality is George W. won and those following my missives ever so carefully credit me in no small measure with lots of help from the likes of Adam Tucker in bringing in Jewish vote in Florida never to forget Mr. Tony Unruh and Mr. JRK of Finkelstein & Krinsk - repeating Adam’s words to me at 1:32 PM PT on November 2nd,


"Why weren't u this concise a month ago? I will be forwarding this to my friends, I don't know what their reactions will be but hopefully there is still time to reach them..."


which resulted in this communiqué to the White House followed by this at 4:50 PM PT which in turn was followed by this “hope” email at 5:30 PM PT.


In my humble opinion there are few if any of us Lilly White Wheaty Eating educated folk who hold down legitimate jobs although a better choice of words might be jobs that actually “add value”, our social cause is all about leveling the playing field and your “I concur” diatribe yesterday tells me the extent to which u may in fact be not all that much different to Mr. JRK of F&K, which is not to suggest u don’t have a conscience or that u have come close to accumulating anywhere near the ill-gotten gains of those who have mastered the insurance game, agree?


Neither u nor Mr. JRK, however, have quite my “home schooling” in this most insidious business that allows those who have stolen the most to get away with nothing short of the greatest mass enslavement, torture and murder of all time, without the support of the insurance industry The Diamond Invention would have been obsolete decades ago and we would not have in my humble opinion again, that many “brainne dead” [sic] people floating around this world doing a whole lot more damage than simply taking up space to mention little of wasting my time.


Since u CHOOSE not to read each and every word of my missives that is doing more than lighting up the imaginations of those across all socio economic levels including the Lumpen Proletarians, action speaking once again louder than words, how about “vindication” being a good way to describe our incredible victory, not much different to what occurred in the 2000 elections let me help u to critique Maurice Hank Greenberg’s daughter’s display of deep deprivation that u helped spread, your “crime” given the fact that u happen to be Lilly White, well educated, a senior executive of AIG, doing more than simply taking up space, contributing immensely to why my our one website remains very much on track to be the number one network on the planet and why the youth who r all our futures r latching on in droves to what I and like minded people such as Adam Tucker have to say, such folk let me remind u include your daughter, not to forget “dogppoo.”


Ron, I take great pride in examining ever so closely my adversaries, again their deafening silences speaking the most incredible volumes at this time, everything coming down to the legacy each of us leaves behind, and thank G-D, the next generation r catching on ever so quickly that a value system has nothing to do with whether one is rich or poor, the Digital Age, a G-D-Send, now sending the old farts packing with their bs such as,


“Now listen up youngster, what we have here is a generation gap,,, and should u continue to dare to answer me with questions such as,


‘Why is the world getting increasingly dangerous, why is it that there is not a single individual in the First Family of Insurances’ 160,000 odd employees capable of explaining either in 4th grade simply English or using the most sophisticated computer models employing every single catch all phrase in the mumbo jumbo of Chaos Theory something our friend The Rattlesnake knows quite a bit about, why the world’s financial markets have not imploded yet, blah blah’ [sic],


I will take this strap and whip u, if necessary to death, behave yourself and respect your elders, and if I ever hear another fricken word coming out of your dirty mouth such as,


‘Hey Dad, be cool, relax, smoke a joint, jrk off if necessary but why can’t we simply agree it is not so much a generation gap as it is a credibility gap that gets wider with each successive generation buying into the same sort of bullshit u r putting out on the airwaves, u know perfectly well there is no point in spewing your filth and nonsense trying to influence us when it comes to serving your pitiful agenda and then crying foul when the spotlight is placed in your direction, crying out help, help, help sounding so much like momworker63, to mention little of every so often as u see your house of cards imploding resorting in a last ditch effort to come up with all sorts of nonsense conspiracy theories since we all know the folks at the very top of the pyramid cannot bear the sight of one another let alone work out an elaborate worldwide conspiracy which calls for them and their offspring to keep their mouths shut ad-infinitum, other than of course The Diamond Invention and then of course there is the Greenbergs, The First family of Insurance, blah blah’, [sic],


I will be forced to wash your mouth out with soap u piece of shit” [sic].


So Ron lets get down to some serious business of Dr. London, Maurice Hank Greenberg’s not exactly impartial daughter who with this missive is about to embark on the biggest fricken educational light journey she ever dreamed possible since I intend with or without your assistance to get it directly into her hands first asking u since u r one person for certain who she fiddled to do the honors and when personally handing it to her say whatever u think is appropriate but may I suggest be4 u spank her to get her permission in writing bearing in mind that her father and “tTOo” [sic] brothers constitute the “First Family of Insurance”, agree?


Her opening salvo,


You should rename your paper The Wall Street Star. What a disgusting cartoon you used to illustrate Monday's Money & Investing article "Uneasy Sits the Greenbergs' Insurance Crown." It belongs on a supermarket tabloid, which is what the Journal is becoming”,


tells me without even seeing the cartoon that the WSJ may in fact have a certain amount of both integrity and wisdom following like me in the footsteps of Ida Tarbell the lady-journalist most responsible for getting John D. Rockefeller to get with the program, JDR eventually collapsing into a heap of tears which then led the United States Congress made up of mostly highly testosterone clad, “bought and paid 4” [sic] males eventually doing the right thing for the general good and implementing our sacrosanct Anti-Trust laws leading to the breakup of Standard Oil, the Rockefellers and the South African Oppenheimers 2 peas in a pod, cloaking themselves in being so very good Christians when back at the ranch they care nothing about anyone but themselves, discriminating against anyone who happens to be poor and downtrodden who has bought in to the bullshit of crap like “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth”, enough to make u vomit, just wait, I am not done, yet.


This pitiful Jewish Lilly White Wheaty Eating doctor’s next “shot across the bow


“New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's investigation is not focused on my family; it is focused on a practice that is industrywide in the property casualty insurance world. Your focus on the Greenberg family is nothing more than locker-room journalism. Where is your discussion of all the other CEOs?”,


seems like Dr. London was born and raised in a communist state where the masses r taught not to think about anything other than reciting the dogma of the communist bosses who believe that everyone should own a porche, have a big house with a white picket fence along with a swimming pool relying tho on the masses so caught up in their mantras that when called to task to polish the swimming pool walls of the communist bosses they wont think to ask;


Why me?


What’s wrong with u?


I thought communism meant we were all supposed to be equal under the law which is why we have this thing called the United States Constitution that can trace ‘sum’ [sic] of this equal protection stuff to this thing called the Magna Carter?


On the other hand given the fact that u do carry a bigger stick than me along with your army with guns and tanks just hand me the brush and I will get right to it as long as u assure me Dr. London’s father and her 2 brothers have provided u with a Certificate of Insurance worth the paper it is written on, agree?


The fact that the likes of The Rattlesnake make a rather good argument that not only r they worthless and Mr. Alan Greenspan the chairman of the Federal Reserve when dishing out his money supply numbers should be more diligent given his mandate to ‘exercise good judgment’ does not mean I wont accept such a Certificate at face value, agree?


So important that u be allowed to save face given again the fact that u have the bigger gun courtesy of course by likes of the First Family of Insurance to mention little of all 4 Greenbergs professing to be typical Christians never talking about anything of substance when sitting around the dining room table getting drunk mostly with the bullshit that keeps the rich getting richer and the poor the picture, agree?


Certainly despite cloaking themselves as Jewish people their behavior seems incredibly atypical of the Jewish people who finally got it right when Moses delivered a second set of 10 Commandments in that according to sworn declarations signed under penalty of perjury the Greenbergs contend,


‘We don’t subscribe to discussing business other than business #1 and business #2 along with monkey business since we don’t see there being anything at odds between our Bible, often referred to as the 5 Books of Moses and Evolution, agree?


G-D forbid we were to even think about trying to solve the problems of the worlds such as rebuilding trust and dispensing with insurance altogether, agree?


Then again if caught in The Rattlesnake’s crosshairs we can always plead that our DNA is polluted in the end calling on Warren BO Buffett the biggest crook in the insurance game to bail us out’ [sic].”


Now my dear friend Ron, read again and again the remainder of Dr. London’s utter garbage, then forward this to each and everyone on your email list and then put your feet up, read again and again what I sent Howard Stern last evening, the follow up will come a little later after Marie and I get back from checking out my digs, agree?


U surely recall The Cave, the landing above not quite big enough for Air Force One but certainly enough space for a helicopter to land, and then let me know whether u want to be on a conference call with Derrick Beare this evening, not to forget that come hell or high water this November 15th we will be celebrating another great party at the new west coast headquarters of Manager Minute One.  


      “The implication of collusion is so incredibly distorted as to be laughable. My family never discusses business. My father and brothers work for different companies; they have each achieved their own success. It is

wrong to imply any underhanded contact.  


      I am disgusted that I just paid $79 for an online subscription to

your newspaper when the stories remind me of a $10 piece of Chick Lit.   


      Cathleen London, M.D.  


      Brookline, Mass.  


      (Dr. London is the daughter of American International Group Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Maurice R. "Hank" Greenberg and the sister of Jeffrey W. Greenberg, chief executive of Marsh & McLennan Cos., and Evan

Greenberg, chief executive and president of Ace Ltd.)  




-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Bellows

Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: RE: FW: Next Symposium {:}...time to pray...Ted Turner...smoking gun...stabilze...quick fixe...stuff...1960"


if what you write is percieved the wrong way it wont matter waht is right or worng -


in the course of human events - perception oftern rings louder than fact - which can jeopardize persons and their livelyhoods - so I ask your professional wisdom in how and where you interject my name -


I dont; recall your clean water email - if you re-send to me and lable it " Ron pls review 'clean water' - or something like that - i'll take a look at it - i get so much from you of lengthy add in finitims - i can;t possible go thruy them all - so I skim them quickly and delte them - i don;t read them through - just not enought time to try and follow the story line from email to email - ( sorry bout that )


elliot and I have not ever croissed paths - and unfoirtunately I cannot recall anyone who may have in the recent past


best to mari


hope to see you at the plaza in DEC


take care




----- Original Message -----

From: "Gary S. Gevisser" <>

Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2004 9:33 pm

Subject: RE: FW: Next Symposium {:}...time to pray...Ted Turner...smoking gun...stabilze...quick fixe...stuff...1960"