From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, March 08, 2005 2:59 PM PT
To: Sammy Haim
Cc: rest;;;; FBI;
Subject: FW: The Cave


Sammy – After visiting with my friend Amos P. Wright I spoke with a couple of Circuit City folks increasingly perplexed by your assertions [see email below dated February 26th]


Gary, the camera arrived to my door step… later I decided to return the box to sender and I did. a few days later the box arrived on my door step again, that week I took it back to the packaging store on Camino del mar and told the guy 2dn  time return to sender and  gary moved on and no forwarding add…good luck” [sic].


Let me share with u what Donald from Circuit City’s corporate headquarters in Richmond, Virginia, telephone number 1-800-764-8814, had to say, “The only record we have is that your Fugi digital camera that cost $719.99 was delivered via UPS to your address at 357 Parish Lane on July 2nd, 2004, tracking number 1z150130258435382 - we have no record of it being even once returned to either us or UPS, good luk” [sic].


Your sudden deafening silence is reminiscent of Professor Doctor Rabbi Abner Weiss after protesting back on May 6th of last year, “I deeply regret that our contact was severed some time ago” another preacher to the filthy rich losing his tongue?


Could it be that just my simple follow up question, “Would you say there is a difference between ‘believing in’ G-D and ‘knowing’ that G-D is both Almighty and very SMART?” proved a little “tTOo” [sic] unsettling again for this rather worldly, incredibly well educated rabbi to the most powerful and richest folk on the planet, which again is not to suggest that because u learned the skills of eating with a knife and fork which of course makes u a whole lot more civilized say than The Sperm Donor with the “I saw” [sic] does not mean to say that someone such as my Royal Mater or her very good friend, my uncle David Gevisser, would give u much more than “the time of day” unless of course they felt u could be relied upon much like Ron Bellows Senior to “shoot the poison tipped arrows” of those further up the pyramid, doubtful that your rich new wife has taken u to Arrow Lane in Kyoto, Japan where “shooting straight” led to greatness?


The price of gold hopefully not rising “tTOo” [sic] quickly, $440.20 at precisely 17:54 Eastern Standard Time to mention little of what u think these “tTOo” [sic] 1 pound gold coins minted in 1896 would be worth today considering a dime minted in 1894 just fetched $1.3 million had my amazing paternal grandfather, Issy Gevisser not been smart enough to have soldered on cuff links, doubtful I would have been so fortunate to end up with one of them hanging around my neck not in the least bit concerned that someone would choose to slit my throat just to make off with mine when they could just as easily go after Marie who u know suffers fools and liars worse than me, wouldn’t u agree?


What next do u suggest I do next other than “hope” that u come to your senses while wishing u “well and good luck?


Gary S. Gevisser

A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There 


[Word count 542]




-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Saturday, February 26, 2005 5:22 PM
Cc: (;
Subject: FW: The Cave


Sammy – I am now at the only CC store I know of on El Camino, David, the Store Director, letting me now that this is the only store in Encinitas, “period”.


Furthermore, according to David, “We would not have accepted the dropping off of the camera because we could not track it on our inventory system... why would a third party delivery service such as UPS send it back out again and why would he accept it because they would tell him this is a package for your neighbor” [sic]?, advising a good delivery person such as yourself to dig not all that deep in contacting me, not to suggest that u should start digging a hole all the way to China or simply make arrangements for UPS to pick it up and return it to the servicing center.


Your move.




A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There


Ps – Your buddy Ms. Kathy “I’m connected to the CIAClark responding for the first time to an email with the following:




The kitty litter spilled because your dog knocked over

the trash can.

I apologize about the door it is difficult to close

with the rain causing it to swell.


I will no longer receive any of your emails....they

will be on bounce-back mode so do not attempt to email






-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 1:59 PM
Damon Siskin (; Devin Standard; Vicky L. Schiff (; Jeff (;;;
Subject: FW: The Cave


Sammy - while u consider helping me make sense of the last part of your communiqué this morning that was in reply to an email I sent your buddy, Ms. Kathy Clark who now lives in The Cave below our Tree House which is your former but improved residence of some 12 years let me remind u that u never did respond to my latest “hut” email I sent to u this past Thursday nor for that matter did I get a response to the email I sent u on July 24, 2004 following my return from Peru or the email I sent u later on August 14th or how about October 5th which were all as best I recall in reply to the email u sent me on June 17th titled “Excuse me” which read as follows:


hi Gary, I was Europe and a package arrived and it was open so sorry it is your camera I think , back from repairs.

let me know, what would you like me to do with it? 449-1100


The Digital Age, a G-D-Send, wouldn’t u agree?


Now granted I only called u for the first time this morning leaving a message on your answering service requesting the documentation that will assist in locating my camera that u returned to CC without letting me know, there little Sarah, operations manager of the Circuit City store where I purchased this not-al-to-get-her cheap camera, can do at this time without such info, agree?


Perhaps, your realtor friend Damon Siskin or Kathy Clark who took over The Cave when I left, later seeing fit to use me to “advertise” her close connections to the CIA why else be so forthcoming with a stranger or perhaps even Ms. Vicky Sticky Schiff of the Wetherly Capital Group could help u figure this all out to mention little once again of why would u take possession, then email me letting me know u had this one of a kind digital camera in “safekeeping that could have come in handy to track down the culprit-s who messed with the garbage cans this past week that later had my wife on her “hands and knees” picking up the trash and without saying a word to anyone other than I assume G-d returned this not altogether cheap item not once but twice the second time driving all the way to hell and gone no doubt smart enough to remember to get a receipt for your Herculean efforts to mention in passing the obvious one purpose of the ending section of the Passover reading that forces one to hold’s one breath otherwise what is the purpose of memorizing stuff like, “Jesus loves me this I know because mommy tells me so” other than to mesmerize the youth who r all our futures from becoming independent thinkers to the point that such extremism has led today to so many of the kids turning a deaf ear even to those parents properly conditioned never to expect a dime in inheritance, inheritance so effective in preventing the next generation from standing on their own 2 feet, shouting at the top of their lungs how such idiotic tax laws as the deduction of interest expense on tax returns came to pass, the instant one lets a foul play pass one by the easier it comes the next time to lie, the damage one does to one’s own brain most likely more damaging than one’s victim, agree?


Only liars need good memories, agree?


Surely u recall The Twins those long legged blonde sisters so familiar with the business practices of the likes of Mark “Trump” Weinstein Esq., the one once married to the Los Angeles based business broker-politician Mike Roos letting u and I know what becomes of those who mess with the likes of Ron Burkle, a good friend of Bill and Hilary and financier of the WCG, their words pretty much identical to what I heard yesterday be4 the onset of the Sabbath out of the foul mouth of Solly Krok of Twins Pharmaceuticals?


The heat is on, so important to keep in touch with the heartbeat of the universe.


GoodLuk” [sic].


Gary S. Gevisser

A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There


PsIn a nutshell, I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority, i.e. evil doesn’t come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork.


Word count [742]




-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Saturday, February 26, 2005 12:30 PM
'sam haim'
Subject: RE: The Cave


Please make sense of the wording following, “and told the guy”



-----Original Message-----
sam haim []
Saturday, February 26, 2005 11:36 AM
Cc: kathy
Subject: Re: The Cave


gary, the camera arrived to my door step and was with other delivery, I open it without looking to see if it was addressed to me.  I wrote e-mail to you immediately  requesting direction or your address  you did not respond to this email never. 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 weeks ,later I decided to return the box to sender and I did. a few days later the box arrived on my door step again, that week I took it back to the packaging store on Camino del mar and told the guy 2dn  time return to sender and  gary moved on and no forwarding add.

 hope all is well and good luck 



----- Original Message -----

From: Gary S. Gevisser


Cc: Marie42203 ; Devin Standard

Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 10:30 AM

Subject: The Cave


Please pick up your cat litter that was spilled weeks ago by the garbage cans. It is now goowee from the rain.


Can u also refrain from slamming your door shut in the middle of the night.


Cc:rest; GB