From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2004 10:46 AM
To: Sam haim
Cc: rest; Damon Siskin; Devin Standard;; William H.; FBI; GHurst
Subject: RE: excuse me


Sammy hi – lots on the go – off to where the Turf Meets The Surf tomorrow boycott to boot – camera would come in handy but if I were to call




Come around we could get into “he said – she said”, agree?


And u of course remember Vicky Sticky Schiff and the FEDEX package that came in from the Wetherly Capital Group’s attorney on April 4th 2002 yellow signature stickys so neatly placed on 3 identical sets of Settlement Agreements that had I chosen to sign wood have landed me in the pound seats[sic] not long after u and I returned from our first trip to Machu Picchu, agree?


And who can forget what The Twins had to say about how easy it is to get “Rior-e-nded” [sic], not necessary that u write your version this very minute, bear in mind, however, my book Manager Minute One just a matter of moments in the space of time from being on the book shelves?


So until we get things all squared away lets avoid the possibility of things falling in between the cracks so if u would please deliver the camera ASAP to Greg Beckham and be sure to let him know how once again u were misguided, selective memories fast drawing to a close, the Digital Age, A G-D-Send, now in the last 2 quarters be4 the 26,000 year cycle of remembrance begins in earnest, agree?





-----Original Message-----
sam haim []
Thursday, June 17, 2004 5:16 AM
Subject: Re: excuse me



hi Gary, I was Europe and a package arrived and it was open so sorry it is your camera I think , back from repairs.

let me know, what would you like me to do with it? 449-1100