From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 7:05 PM
Sean Simic - Manager of 1431 Stanford Street; David “Crazy” Altman, confidant tu South Africa’s Minister of Finance, Mr. Trevor Manuel et al; Po-Li “BrownFields” Pollak, a Wall Street trader and TV Network Talking Head; George “Money Talks” Hurst Esq, an attorney representing Dr. “Sperm Donor” JBS, the former husband of Gary S. Gevisser’s wife, Marie Dion.
Cc: rest
Subject: NExt Symposium continues...1431 Stanford!


Sean, it is going on 3:30 PM PST and I just returned from a rather fast whirlwind trip with Marie, on the back, of the Ducati, going as far, as Escondido, collecting a little gold, along the way, our gold dealer holding firm on a commitment he made sum time back in the presence of Mr. Devin Standard, not that Chuck needed the slightest bit of coercing in order tu do the right thing, very possible he and/or his daughter has checked out which I can assure was not the case with Citicorp’s bill collector who called me yesterday, hi buddy, I forget this joker’s name, 4 the moment.


Now of course it would not have taken a rocket scientist tu work out that gold was headed 4 a 7.5 year high, just a quick, read of the United States Federal Budget would say the “green back” is in sum trouble without dissecting it, tu c, so very clearly, that probably close tu 60% of the expenditures are “Defense” related, leaving exactly how much tu feed the creative spirits of our young tu mention all the billions spent on degenerative diseases that could be addressed a whole lot early on, as in early child education, nutrition, blah blah, blah,


And remember, not that the side effects of Aspartame are front page news, yet, just wait and see how those costs get figured into your next insurance premium payment even though u may not brush your teeth, or drink diet colas or chew chewing gum, the United States citizens were not the only idiots back in and around 1932 who relinquished control of their currency, i.e. their heritage tu dirty politicians,


And of course Richard Nixon cannot be blamed entirely 4 us getting off the gold standard back in the early 1970s,


Butt what about DeBeers who continue tu use, many Orthodox Jewish people, principally Hasidic Jews, like an “old buddy” of mine, “Michael Rap” [sic], spread throughout the planet, particularly on 47th Street in New York City, promoting nothing short of degeneracy, tu mention little of how they hooked Hollywood moguls long before the general public on the old adage, “Tu Sir with Love” just for the moment having forgotten the slogan that many a young maiden knows by heart before she has even had her period, wouldn’t u agree, Mr. George “Money Talks” Hurst Esq, this despicable Cartel, possibly as egregious as OPEC who so far, have not been smart enough to hire Oxford and Cambridge graduates, amazing tu me that the Oppenheimers who are anything butt Jewish haven’t managed tu loop in old Bill “Rhodes Scholar-Cigar Chomping” Clinton, agree? [Footnote 1]


And also remember there is that thing known as “debt service” which has a number of folks in the know quite perplexed these days given the fact that markets have not totally imploded, at least not yet, but u know when looking out the window 4 a glimpse of sunshine, not tu be confused with Sammy “Shoe Shine” Haim, again, no one needs tu be a rocket scientist tu figure out how much ahead of the game he-she-it really is when the bulk of one’s assets happen tu here in the United States, i.e. deep dudu, agree?


And also probably worth remembering that there are a whole lot of foreigners such as Germans, English, French, never, ever, ever, ever, tu forget the Japanese owning a whole lot of United States Treasury Bills, not tu upset anyone unnecessarily, G-D forbid Rich Cooper were tu have another stroke, not tu suggest old Rich went ahead and had a full on frontal lobotomy, still so perplexing why in “G-d’s name” the Japanese were so foolish tu go tu war with the United States, agree?


And also how real easy it was though 4 Michael Steinhardt in cahoots with Solomon Brothers tu rig the Unites States Treasury market back in the early 1990s the too of them getting away essentially “scotch free” [sic] their combined “penalty” being a mere $200 million enough 4 them all tu celebrate and then sum, agree?


And of course I would know, since I just happened tu peek, please don’t vomit, in, one day as Michael Steinhardt’s controller was preparing, the check, or so, she, said, while ordering in the champagne, agree?


Tu be or not tu be?


Butt, do u know of any rocket scientist anywhere in the world who could call out just 4 company stocks, in 4 very different industries, 2 “winners” and 2 “losers” that in the space of 18 months could have afforded anyone with say no more than $500 credit remaining on their credit lines or credit cards 4 that matter, tu not only attract a whole bunch of very jealous onlookers, share with them half their profits and still be left with enough cash, after tax, never tu work ever again, at least in this lifetime, so may I suggest u go back and read my One Peace mini series that began on December 1st 2000, commemorating the 27th anniversary of the death of the greatest statesman of our X, David Ben Gurion.


Now of course 18 months is a lifetime tu some and when one considers that just too seconds converts intu 600 million meters, when figuring out an equation or too, remembering that the speed of light travels at 300,000 kilometers per second, now u have just the teeniest of notion of what brilliance, not tu be confused with a brilliant cut fukukta diamond, was Mr. Grossman’s mathematics that assisted Einstein in being the most celebrated scientist in the world, nothing like getting carried away with one’s own self importance,


And why the need tu have the right type of anchors, firmly in place, always checking one’s ego at the door, never knowing 4 certain who u might run into, remembering that in Quantum Mechanics there are no certainties only probabilities, what goes forward must work exactly in reverse, which is not tu suggest that back seat drivers be tolerated or nincompoop journalists think their deafening silences cannot be heard, publishers at sum point will begin knocking on the door asking, “Where’s the hook?”


And I will respond accordingly, “What’s up Doc?”, then suggest that they check in say with Mark Weinstein, a mini real estate mogul who cut his hand while helping me move a piece of furniture back in the spring of 1987 intu unit #5, asking Mark, “So how does one go about securing anchor tenants, blah blah?”


And so where do u think I am heading with all this, the time now 4:27PM PST, there being a number of interruptions both telephone calls and calls from the wild?


Go ahead take a break. And I will do the same.


Now then, find me any stock market trader anywhere in the fricken world who went tu the efforts I did on January 3rd 2002 to make certain another public record existed of my prescient timing, tu repeat, the day Vivendi’s stock price went on a 280 day tail spin, although we, i.e. Marie + I have her former husband Dr. “Sperm Donor” JBS tu thank,


And of course his attorney, Mr. George “Money Talks” Hurst Esq. who made so very public Marie’s will in Superior Court back on October 24th 2002, these idiots like a handful of other folks who at one time considered my emails nothing short of SPAM, hi Norman Lazarus, hi Merrick Wolman et al.


I began the day, after making breakfast 4 Marie + I, taking a leaf out of JoNathan’s book, watching as he applied the peanut butter very evenly over his toast, all while singing U2’s “It’s a beautiful day”, by dropping JoNathan off at the Del Mar Hills elementary school the Offspring CD blasting from the moment we took off, stopping though at every stop sign as well as every single red light, u may recall me mentioning my eldest brother once telling a California Highway Patrol [CHP] officer, “When u have seen one red light u have seen them all”, Offspring’s words, “What he [Sperm Donor] lacks is made up 4 in denial” continuing sum 8.5 hours later tu resonate.


Like u and your wife Lana, there are quite a number of people I know who don’t have kids and my suggestion is that you think about renting a couple every so often, at least consider going in to a poorer neighborhood and looking for one or too kids, not tu be confused with adult diks, who come from a not altogether dysfunctional household and you will be amazed as how much better in tune u will get with what is happening in the universe, agree?


Remembering though, that no matter how much such individuals may have the likes of The Sperm Donor as their one biological parent the possibility exists they would also have had someone else tu raise them with a proper value system based principally, if not exclusively, on the concept of Truth, like my Marie, she, beginning her day continuing tu organize JoNathan’s bedroom so that he will have the tools to be the best that he can be without being told all the time, “Let me show u how!”, i.e. the more u do 4 someone not only will they eventually resent u for u making them a co-dependant, which is another reason to own say a dog, but they will pass it on very likely tu their offspring who in turn will not ever know how, until such time that we have a “brainne dead” [sic] western society, much like we have today, agree?.


Tomorrow is our last soccer game of the reason and I am really hyped, Frostbite having finally got it all together in the last half of the reason led by coach Drei who as I have said be4 has never played the game of soccer, less than 6 weeks ago scoring his very first goal but having clearly mastered the techniques of communicating with a variety of youngsters, no doubt his profession as well as living, right next tu the elementary school helping, his wife, though, playing quite the mother role, a speech therapist with a knack 4 listening extraordinarily well, their son a member of Frostbite not getting any preferential treatment, more importantly, however, Coach Drei not using his “power and influence” to railroad Curran to the point that he would want tu vomit, but at the same time understanding that when his father means business the best thing to do is tu sit still and listen very carefully tu someone who hasn’t let his formal education interfere with his-her-their learning, agree?


It clearly, best if we do start thinking in terms of building a new tribe, back tu the times when it took the entire village tu raise the children, not though throwing out the great advances nailed down by our scientific community, being ever so gently guided in the right direction, agree?


Now of course the possibility exists just like the possibility of me getting the Nobel Prize for Latin that Coach Drei and his wife when both retreating home from a hard, day’s work, at their respective offices, beat the crap out of Curran, tu the point that he could become like Governor Arnold “I used tu enjoy groping women who had more than just flesh on their bones like this Kennedy bitch Kennedy” [sic] Schwarzenegger, doubtful though.


Yesterday, just as I was about tu leave The Cave and enjoy the sunset, Offspring very much on a par to being awoken by the sound of waves, better yet tu be in the cool oshon rejuvenating everything including keeping the testosterone in check, I received at precisely 3:55PM PST a call from Joe Blair an old time shaper letting me know he has got back my waveski from his friend who was using it tu catch fish, never ceasing tu be amazed at man’s ingenuity albeit my waveski not exactly what an in tune Inuit would use 4 spear fishing, and by the time I got tu the beach house, already quite dark, the Inuit sculpture had once again be moved; being around Marie is like going through an ever changing art museum without having though tu wait in lines, put up with “boer behavior” [sic], best of all she has yet tu require I purchase a ticket.


Joe Blair was just one of those folks calling me with very very very important news, a graphic artist having stopped by wanting tu know, “What do u have in mind?”


I kept the conversation with Joe as brief as possible, again, letting him know that like any kid, I have my restrictions.


U recognize that I have a number of things on my plate at this time and the need 4 me tu be “multi-tasking” like never be4 which although a little annoying, especially 4 the newer members of our ever expanding audience, it is ultimately good, at least 4 me, my sensitivity continually being fine tuned, never tu be caught napping,


And why the need tu surround oneself with the very best of friends,


And of course I cannot give enough credit tu Mr. Bill O’Reilly who was perhaps the first tu say, “U r who u surround yourself with” although I wouldn’t be surprised if we came across similar teachings in Plato’s Symposium, certainly Pythagoras would have mastered this very logical concept but then again since there is no record of the writings of this scientist-philosopher like that of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and the likes of Cato, man




Woman has a way of really complicating things, agree?


I have opened a new bank account so in the future just send the rent monies registered mail to my PO box in Del Mar.


If any of my tenants do not provide u with their rent monies by the 1st of each month, on the second, give them a “3 day notice to vacate or pay up blah blah”.


Before heading out of the door this morning Marie + I were listening to the Dubliners, a group we saw live on New Years Eve, I believe it was back in 1999, at the Bellyup, a nightclub in Solano Beach, just north of Del Mar, where Marie put on quite a performance, a lesbian, couple that is, almost getting into a fist fight with each other as the one tried tu butter up this “one of a kind” woman.


Again there are certain photos I am “currantly” [sic] restricted in placing up on The Internet, last night JoNathan not all that impressed with my Butter squash soup which I had made the previous evening from scratch, the first time I have actually tried my hand, at something, more than chicken, soup and curry, Marie though mightily impressed suggesting that I make a large bowl, the day before our next big splash, i.e. beach party, perhaps less than a fortnight away, allowing me a day tu clean up.


Furthermore, have my tenants let u know when would be a good time 4 u tu show their units tu prospective purchasers, and who knows perhaps Rabbi Abner Weiss, I am assuming, “married well”, may decide to return to the United States, lend them a hand, i.e. have them “get with the program”, i.e. pull their weight, stop simply, in my opinion, doing nothing short of “taking up space” on this rather small island, sum of us refer to as planet earth, and join me and others in starting this new tribe catering only tu those not in denial, agree?


Have u read



On the

Bounty [in]








And of course I don’t need to spell out tu u the acronym 4









Butt then again, each email brings a new audience, never forgetting the old as well as decrepit, hi Mr. George G. Hurst, more no doubt to come, Professor Aaron “BrownNose” Brown, like your client, Dr. JBS et al, doesn’t know when tu shut up, agree?


And of course you, Mr. Hurst, by now, having studied sumwhat my modus operandi, something you should have done possibly be4 deciding to got tu bat 4 the Sperm Donor et al, have sumwhat of an idea of how I WILL be following up with the Professor’s recent acknowledgment,


Nice try. I happen to follow the news and know the meeting [Annual General Meeting of Stratos Lightwave Inc] is in Des Plaines…”


I didn’t, however, play “touch rugby” with the boys on the beach this past Sunday morning, a number of folks quite upset that South Africa lost tu New Zealand in the World Cup game which I believe took place the day be4, other priorities, incredible as it may seem, quite sumthing wouldn’t you agree that the 5th book of Moses, Numbers, pronounced “Divirim” also means “things” when translated literally from Hebrew into English, as best I recall, nothing though quite as precise as Pythagoras’, Number is the essence of all things, good or evil other than of course his, “This and this equals that”.


While taking an early Sunday evening, late afternoon walk, this time-change business 4 the birds, a concept introduced during WWI tu beef up food production, science and technology having come a long way since, certainly it doesn’t help keep the trains running on time, the United States alone, today, capable of feeding the world, Marie + I ran into Dr. John Pollard.


And although a good number of folks on my email list understand at this time that Dr. Pollard is not related, as best I know, tu Jonathan Pollard, the American-Israeli spy, still tu the best of my knowledge surviving a life term in solitary confinement, so hard tu stay on top of all the distractions these days, sum folks as a result of confusing my friend Dr. Pollard with the Israeli-American spy, think Jonathan Pollard’s imprisonment is a bunch of gobbledygook, hi Roger Robinson.


Again, never tu forget our ever expanding audience, hi Poli-Pollak, lets see if u, me, Devin Standard and possibly Professor Aaron “BrownNose” Brown will participate in another educational light journey conference call this evening even though it is the Sabbath, having received yesterday from Devin that this is as good a day as any, agree?


Po-li, instead of waiting 4 Devin tu call, just take the initiative and call him, pretty much anytime will work 4 me just give me a “heads up” one hour be4 since I will be probably once again with Marie on the Ducati assuming, I don’t get blown up, having right after breakfast replaced the now “charged” battery, despite it being “brand spanking new”, no doubt waking up the entire neighborhood.


Our neighbors directly across the street, u may recall Patti, attending our first beach party, r off tu Paris today 4 a week, no doubt Patti, 4 what it is, worth, very excited about being back in time 4 our next “bash” although I have noticed that their FOR SALE sign has not come down, yet, her husband, soon, perhaps, a household name, not quite sure, what tu expect next, at least, from me, agree?


And of course, Po-li, it probably didn’t help u much getting spanked as a kid on the other hand if your folks simply allowed u tu bully others without retribution, coaching u tu be, say, the second one, tu flee, when things got a little, tu, hot under the collar, coaxing, someone else tu bear the brunt of being called, “coward” then, why not, have them, join us, on the conference call,


And, of course, u should give them a, “heads up” of what tu expect, no 4 lettered words, I promise.


It is my expectation that will be operating shortly, allowing each one of the Perfect Storms-Chess Games tu be watched and played by those interested in “increasing the circle of those people dependant upon my communications for their insight and analysis of the events of the day, blah blah.”


To the best of my knowledge Ms. Kathryn Murry whose former husband I ran into at the outside Farmers Market in the heart of Del Mar this past Saturday has not sent me an email requesting that she be either removed, from my email list, placed in an infirmary,






Positioned, appropriately, on my “delete list”, recalling at one time receiving some communication saying that if I wanted I could try and get intu Ms. Murry’s “good looks” [sic] by giving my perspective of things, and I responded with, “What’s up Doc?” and never heard a word back?


John Pollard, once again, back tu Sunday evening, was wearing his customary slippers and socks up to his knees and our dialogue began by John informing me of a number of things the most important, at least in my opinion, being the fact that he lived next door tu Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States, possibly between 1924 and 1928 prior to President Hoover taking it on the chin for the Great Depression, to mention little of why John’s deceased wife having “smothered sum” [sic] 5 children, not apparently, Roman Catholic, therefore unlike my Marie having to start out in life, lying in Confession,


“I hit my sister, lied to mother, blah blah”


than suffer the embarrassment of coming across to a male Priest as sinless, and who is tu say where that would have led, agree?


Not all non-Catholics r aware that celibacy was a fairly recent rule introduced into the Roman Catholic sum 1,000 years ago tu prevent the top hierarchy from willing ill-gotten gains the result of aggressively pursuing momworkers and widows, what about the poor widowers, agree?


Tu mention just in passing John’s deceased wife’s collection of sum 24 chiwawas.


I am expecting, any minute now, an email from John geared toward providing JoNathan who has exhibited a keen interest in becoming a cartoonist, material that could have him earning his first “arm’s length” assignment although “commission” might be a more appropriate term, a point I believe already covered.


What most captivated my attention was the story John Pollard told us about President Coolidge being a man of few words, again something I mentioned the day be4 yesterday in an E-mail tu Bill over at “Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes and Leroach” [sic].


According to John, Coolidge was one of the best, if not the best president ever to sit in the oval office; u can c a photo of Pypeetoe sitting on the Chez lounge with an oval table in front The Oval Mirror in the background.


Apparently while at a formal dinner a lady of the night, not that John Pollard suggested that there was any hanky panky going on, told “President Cooledge

” [sic], “I bet I can get you tu say too words” and the President very coolly responded, “You lose.”

In last week’s Del Mar Times the Willis Brothers use, once again, their trademark expression, ABC, as in “Always Be Cool” this time thou, they added a slight twist; the Willis brothers like John Pollard are often included in my broadcasted emails, this one included and I have been wanting to take issue with them on a number of things they have said as of late, the vast majority of things they have to say I not only agree with but I find a whole lot inspiring.

Their total lack of knowledge of the “clothing game” may in fact result in more young people becoming jaded in a world where there is a need to empower our youth more than ever before and rather than get into at this time the fundamentals of the western economy, hi Seth Lubove of Forbes Magazine, I will cover more of this ground in my follow up email tu Mr. Hurst Esq. as well as give a tip or too 4 folks who still want tu play the stock market bearing in mind that 4 every dollar gained either a momworker, pensioner, widow, widower and,




Moron loses a dollar. Professor Brown though is right now on center stage, not because he called me a liar, at this time my ability to demonstrate “damages” being nothing short of “slim and none” in fact, this pitiful finance Professor could possibly make the claim that he is contributing to the increased value of my intellectual property by making such an incredible fool of himself.


Hey Professor, why not while considering your next move provide the evidence you have of me having “lied” and please don’t forget the following too things when next putting out, your vomit, that is.


First, take another look at the “quickie” post you placed on the Peerless Systems Inc Yahoo message board on June 19th 2000, see below:

I need a shareholder quick!
by: AaCBrown (43/M/New York City, New York)

06/19/00 01:28 pm
Msg: 2021 of 2854

eRaider ( wants to attend the Peerless annual meeting tomorrow and needs a shareholder to appoint us as a representitive. If you are interested, please email

Aaron Brown
President, Inc

Then, Professor, examine your words in your request ever so carefully remembering you can be so eloquent when u want tu be, and let US know what exactly you Or One of your cronies was going tu be doing with such an “appointment” i.e. just attending tu tickle your fancy, surely not?


And then explain clearly your failure tu lift a finger when I stepped up tu the plate tu lead the charge by agreeing tu be lead plaintiff in this SCAL, agree?


Certainly Professor, your success in investing let alone your accomplishments as a manager r perhaps more pitiful than anyone I have ever come across in my entire lifetime, i.e. what else other than lose money do u really do with your time, and if u r so great a finance professor at the Yeshiva University in New York City what the heck does that say about the ridiculous notion that business can be taught, hi Dick Heckman, i.e. Those who can, do, those who cannot, teach, and those who cannot consult, my need tu speed things up a little, find other schmucks with out-of-control egos tu fund websites such as, agree?


Which is why I can only suggest now, that u Professor, give very serious consideration tu how easy it would have been 4 The Sperm Donor tu settle with me a few months back, i.e. this is as good a time as any tu concede defeat and simply hand over your website tu me and my colleagues who have not let their formal education interfere with the learning process.

Also, Professor, while u r at it, bear in mind the criminal grand jury investigations that I believe still ongoing with regard to your handler, Mr. Melvyn Weiss, soliciting shareholders in the game played by many a SCAL [Shareholder Class Action Litigator] to be both lead counsel, and,Or“represenent” [sic] the “big buck” shareholders such as CalPERS etcetera etcetera, not tu forget that the PSLA [Private Securities Litigation Act] makes being the first to reach the courtroom steps in filing a derivative action not as important as it used to be, agree?


And of course, Professor, u should reexamine why I felt compelled to lend support tu Mr. Kitchen, agree?


Sean, sum of this may be a little over your head, folks like you having to stick tu your knitting making certain that you make enough sales, stopping at the point where your marginal revenues match your marginal costs, tu cover your overhead with enough left over so that you can buy food for the table, feed the cat and then be relaxed enough to still have incredible sex with your incredible wife.


The fact of the matter is that the sooner you et al get with the program, getting a grip on how those who are involved in the rigging of the markets, the better, make no mistake Professor Brown, the nincompoop that he is, simply incapable, very likely culpable as well, it seems tu me, of even getting out of bed, perfectly poised, however, tu be nothing short of a lackey, a surrogate of sorts, more though like a “Capo” although the best way tu describe him is much the way I see the top executives at companies like Revlon being “co-opted” by the likes of Ronald “Capo di capi” Perelman.


Before I forget it so happens that on May 30th 2002, my mother’s birthday, hi mom, I had placed the following posting on the same Yahoo message board where Professor Brown had made his so very urgent plea.

Just woke up.
by: gg_footsak

05/30/00 01:32 pm
Msg: 2007 of 2862

What are we to make of the conference call that didnt materialize? Had the conference call taken place surely someone would have asked those now in charge what we are to make of the May 25th announcement, "Peerless previously reported its strategy of shifting sales to higher-margin SDKs, which has resulted in a revenue trough between the time a project begins and the point at which the customer ships product”?

I dont recall any previous mention of "revenue trough." Who knew about this and when did they know it?

As a reference point to this wake-up-call check out one of my first postings on the REV bulletin boards - msg 1036.

How long is it going to be before someone stands tall and lets us know what has really gone on here?

For anyone who wishes to reach me more discretely send an email to

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 2002 by AlMlk  



For the record, after seeing Professor Brown’s plea on June 19th I followed up with a phone call to the Professor to find out exactly what he was going to do were I to decide to “to appoint us as a representitive" [sic].


Suffice tu say Professor Brown never at the time mentioned anything about “I asked for a shareholder willing to present John Cheveddan's resolution at the meeting”




u may have noticed how Professor Brown continues tu duck the question I asked in my previous posting on’s The Buck Stops Here lounge, “and when the time came for u tu step up tu the plate, u sumhow disappeared intu thin air, now, I guess, would be a good time tu fart, better yet tell us all how much effort u exerted in gathering evidence in that SCAL where I was the lead plaintiff.”


Sean, as I have said, time and again, there is an ever growing number of people like yourself who are not letting their deficit needs get in the way of their common sense and who are paying a great deal of attention to what I have to say, and of course the experts in the area of Shareholder Class Action Litigation, such as Professor Joe Grundfest of Stanford University, a former chairman of the SEC [Securities Exchange Commission] know only tu well that in this type of litigation it is at least equal in importance what you fail tu say as it is the lies you tell your shareholders, day in and day out.


Never tu forget the “big bucks” that have gone into having returned such incredibly pitiful results and the question you must ask yourself at this time, why would they continue, is Professor Aaron “BrownNose” Brown on such a big “ego trip” remembering this isn’t exactly a wealthy guy, certainly unless he inherited a whole lot of money there is nothing we have seen in his CV [Curriculum Vita] that would suggest he had more than a pot tu pee in, agree?


Never ever tu forget he is during the day a piddly professor, not of sum Ivy League University such as the University of Virginia Law School where King Golden took his first major steps in allowing his formal education to interfere with his learning, but a fukukta=cuc Yeshiva in New York City where someone like David Levy, an accountant and President of an Orthodox Congregation in La Jolla, financed in part, I believe by Roy Essakow who made his bucks working for the Jewish “crook of crooks”, Marc Rich, could afford to send his son, and one can only wonder at this time whether David Levy has bothered to look his son square in the eye-s and say words along the following lines,


“You remember when I first introduced you to Gary Gevisser at Dr. Norman Kane’s big house in Del Mar at one of the Carmel College reunions and I made fun of Roy Essakow getting caught red handed for stealing something that didn’t belong to him, his father arriving at the police station and smacking Roy from one end of the room to the other, Gary’s mother saying, ‘If it was my son, he would have gone to jail, period’?


Well, let me tell you about just one of the things I did wrong when I was a whole lot older than Roy, back in my second year of university studying like Gary for a fukukta B.COM business degree, Gary, one year ahead, 4going his military service, where as u know I proudly earned the rank of Captain.


U c I played it a whole lot more ‘fast and loose’ than Roy Essakow, being part of a conspiracy that allowed me tu get an advance copy of the exam papers, the result of another buddy of ours, Jeffrey Malatskey orchestrating the entire shenanigan, not tu confused with shindig or the clam bakes at the Kennedy compound, remembering that ham is not kosher, and u wouldn’t be surprised tu hear that Jeffrey Malatskey, not Roy’s elder brother, Jeffrey Essakow, is today an auditor working for one of the 3 odd large remaining accounting-audirting firms in the world, Jeffrey quite the insurance specialist for Ernst and Young, blah blah.” [sic].


Sean, as u will c in one of the Next Symposiums, although if you managed to get an advanced copy of Part 8 of the 8 part mini series to Diana Henriques of the New York Times, hi Diana, you will have got a glimpse of, despite my leading a very balanced life, finding the time to exercise both my brain and body throughout the day, having after quite a long break finally got back into playing beach bats with our JoNathan, just loving being assistant coach of his incredible soccer team, Frostbite, this past Saturday’s game quite a “coming out parade” for both JoNathan as well as me, I have a well above average command of what is going on in the insurance industry,


Which essentially dictates what step each and every one of us does each and every waking moment as well as when we are fricken sleeping, there being a very high probability that I know more about what is going in the inner sanctums of the insurance giants than even someone like Jeffrey “Apportion” Malatskey who like David Levy didn’t really need to get hold of stolen exam papers tu get thru a university that mostly catered to brain dead wimps, some of the best accountants I knew not actually earning the Chartered Accountancy designation despite their ability to run circles around people like Jeffrey Essakow who passed the Chartered Accountancy exam despite being tutored by me in a subject such as Deceased and Insolvent Estates.


And as I have mentioned be4 included in Manager Minute One will be probably just one paragraph perhaps too on how folks should set up their wills that will not only put estate attorneys, hi Doug Royer, out of business but begin the process of fixing a whole lot of things that are wrong with this world, specifically that thing we refer tu as greed.


As John Pollard and increasing numbers of others know rather well when need be I can “cut tu the chase” rather quickly, a well known local yogi who we saw from a distance at the beach once bearing the full brunt of my stiletto approach, reading folks who think that because they “look the part” happen to have a “friendly dog” can charm the pants off every fricken women they come across, single or “otherweiss” [sic], hi Melvyn Weiss.


Now if the likes of John Pollard are not suffice and others need more confirmation tu simply ask one of my current adversaries Ms. Vicky “Sticky” Schiff, my next email to Ms. Schiff, hi Vicky, hi Paul Tomson, will include in the “to” section a professor of hers from the UCLA Anderson School of Business who Vicky once had me meet with as the Trader Something restaurant in Beverly Hills, right across the street from the Peninsula Hotel where I am told Sidney Lazarus mother, Joan Lazarus, the former wife of Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus used to hang out at soon after The Pig “bit the dust.”


Yes, I am very much turning up the heat, and you will also notice that Professor Brown has still not responded to my enquiries about Professor Doctor Rabbi Abner Weiss.


And of course you know that your former maid was not only my maid for many years but also Rabbi and Shifra Weiss’ maid as well, Shifra you may recall visited our building on a couple of occasions never tu forget though, the one time she visited me when I first lived in New York City at 50 West 69th Street between Central Park West and Columbus, quite taken by the drug dealer on the Columbus end of the street who I believe was simply propositioning her for a date, Shifra perhaps, the most attractive transplant ever to arrive in Durban,


Other than of course my mother, Marie though, many would agree, having, despite now tasked with raising 4 kids + Maggie, our chocolate Labrador + fixing everything I break tu mention little of her incredible ability to “mend fences” remembering though she has far more formal education than me and possibly a whole lot more grounded, a figure tu match her incredible mind, a gift from G-D, not different in many respects tu every other incredible woman out there, and there are sum.


The speech I have suggested Rabbi Weiss should have given on Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement, is causing more than chill to go up the spine of the current and former Jewish Congregation of Durban, more than a handful of folks from around the world offering me “sanctuary”, quite knowledgeable however, that even those quite “disjointed” by the turn of current events such as Merrick Wolman are in fact “taken by” some of my pronouncements, coming to grips with the fact that there was more going on in my head while attending a cest pool like Carmel College, the Jewish Day School.


Being able to run pretty fast with a rugby ball despite my pitifully small “stick” legs, I would say ‘hi Marie’ but unlike her former husband, the “Sperm Donor” who we know reads my emails religiously, Marie simply couldn’t be bothered, knowing that I have the “bases covered”, her perhaps, the most skeptical person I have ever met in my life in terms of a belief in G-D, other than me, someone, however, incredibly spiritual who is more than comfortable just “sticking tu her knitting.”


Marie and my mother, as others have said a whole lot more times than me, very similar in many respects, both having an aptitude for numbers unparalled with anyone I have ever known although if you were to sit down with her it is unlikely u would notice unless asking her to help solve a math or geometry problem, perhaps if she hadn’t been so small as a kid she could have possibly finished high school by the time she first had sex, skip skip skip, skipping two grades because of her math skills, how now tu get out of this hole, not wanting tu delete, on quite a roll, wanting tu get out on the beach and feel the water, writing too other emails at the same time, knowledgeable enough, Marie that is, tu wait until late in her teens when she was “in control” much as she controls each and every move I make, my guidance though like anyone in tune does in fact come from one single source.


History has a way of repeating itself, quite boring the funny names and dates of those mostly who had the biggest guns, agree?


But what if each and every one of us were in fact our past and our present, remember there is more and more overwhelming evidence that the world is endless, that what goes around comes back again and again, nothing is lost nor is there is any gain by being stupid, which is not tu suggest that we place antennae on our heads, my thinking at this time of these metal pieces inserted in u know where when Marie had me fixed, so good, me.


I will also probably cover in my email to Mr. Hurst the connection between math and geometry although those who regularly access my Guidance tTOo hyperlink may already have a sense of how I c things, always, always, always giving the other person the benefit of the doubt knowing that my command of a number of things, once I begin tu simply focus can have me “catch up” rather quickly, rarely if ever losing my place, wanting most of all a little more peace and quiet, nothing would please me more than when our great President George W. Bush gives the order for our heroic servicemen and servicewomen tu be home with their loved ones + of course I would be ecstatic once he calls for a suspension in the trading of public companies, the sooner the better, agree?


And of course I have demonstrated from way back when that when need be I can be as articulate as Marie, in more recent times the too cartoons u c in the previous hyperlinks sending quite the message, my getting, no doubt a whole lot of help along the way, hi Robert Kaplan Esq. of Kaplan Kilsheimer and Fox, who happens to have been the other co-lead counsel in the Revlon SCAL along with Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq., Bob Kaplan though having engaged the services of the Wetherly Capital Group [WCG] the rogue organization that masterminded and executed the rigging of the California Gubernatorial elections held a year ago, this past Saturday, hi A…, hi Bill Jackson Esq.


So Bill, how have you gone about reconciling that meeting I attended on February 8th in the world headquarters of both WCG as well as Arden Realty and your letter-fax tu me dated April 3rd, 2002 suggesting I had been terminated on January 15th, 2002, and of course if u make me a high enough offer tu settle your differences with me I might consider selling Dick Ziman and his cohorts, agree?


Not tu forget, Mr. Jackson, all the players attending that very very very important meeting, and not tu forget, u idiot, remember you are either incompetent or culpable, who else was not only attending that meeting but who was responsible for preparing the minutes of this incredible telling meeting of “principals” and,


Of course u, Mr. Attorney, working still, I assume, 4 the top notch Beverly Hills law firm of Pircher, Nichols & Meeks, also the attorney-s for Ms. Schiff’s former employer Stor America Inc, have taken a very hard look at my wife’s will, again, dated January 3rd 2002, the day Vivendi’s stock went on a 280 day “tail spin” it and its 63% owned “sister” company Vivendi Environmental losing sum $64 billion odd in market capitalization.


Just a coincidence sum might say, then I ask u and your colleagues as well as the underwriter 4 your Professional Liability carrier, “How many coincidences does it take before it is no longer a coincidence?”




What if I and/or my wife and/or a colleague of mine would have “shorted” the stock of both the “parent” company and its “subsidiary” perhaps a better word than “sister” but the one more appropriate in terms of SCAL litigation would be the “control person” would it be considered “insider trading” having me then have to worry about being “boned up the ass by Bubba”?




So what does former President William “Wallpaper” Clinton have to say about these matters, and of course you would not be remiss, once again, by not informing Mr. Clinton and his partner Mr. Ron Burkle, one of the financiers of the WCG, Mr. Clinton no longer I assume able to use the letters “Esq” after his name having now been disbarred, incredible though it took his colleagues of attorneys so long to make the right decision.


Which brings me to the point of now for the second time crossing the picket line at a local supermarket, and now I go tu question 8 contained within the 8 part mini series in the process of being sent out tu Ms. Diana Henriques, these 31 odd questions designed tu assist Ms. Henriques ask one or both co-managing directors of the WCG not all that leading questions, most importantly prevent Ms. Henriques from continuing tu be a nincompoop.


8) What can u tell me about Dick Ziman the currant chairman and CEO of what I understand is one of the largest New York Stock Exchange “REATS” [sic] if not the largest, Arden Realty’s top executives also on the board of the WCG,


And while u r at it could u tell me why Mr. Burkle wouldn’t want a board seat despite my understanding that he provided sum $2 million in seed capital to get Wetherly Capital in2 “high gear”,


And of course I don’t think it is necessary that u go in2 much detail about sum of the other interesting conversations that took place when The Rattlesnake and Dan Weinstein first met altho if u think Dan Weinstein was making to much of his teenager daughter wanting to place a ring thru her belly button of course it may be interesting tu sum of our readers, actually given the shit The New York Times is in these days perhaps it would make a lot more cents and dollars if we turned it in2 a tabloid, blah blah.




Sean, getting down to other matters, let me know though how many t-shirts with The Meek WITH TEETH Shall Inherit The Earth




When the dialogue becomes too monologues it is the beginning of the end” [sic]










Next tTOo

Breeding is everything







Built tTOo




u think you can sell between now and Xmess, what about u, Cliff Benn, u Trevor Goldberg?


Hey David Atlman, how about calling up all your contacts in the modeling and pageant world and providing me with a summary of orders 4 each region of the universe, again, hi Dad, hi Mom, where u can put your power and influence to mention little of your incredible personality, to hell with people laughing at our ugly-duck looks, tu work.


David, remember to give our pal Mr. Trevor Manuel, South Africa’s Minister of Finance, a “heads up” that like Ghandi we come in peace but make no mistake we know how to crack the whip, nothing quite like having a “hound dog” such as Mr. Krinsk Esq. “bought & paid 4” with a whole lot of incredibly precious licks by Pypeetoe in your hip pocket to mention little of Devin “SEAL minded” Standard, his masterful techniques in suppressing a 6 ft 4 inch 300 pound muscled former defensive lineman a site tu behold, no doubt our buddy Whip knowing how to play American football but not quite equipped to handle a Lacrosse goalie whose record of accomplishment on the college playing field remains on the books, to mention only in passing Devin’s good, looking and very responsible wife + kids, Devin also being one of the few exceptions I have come across where the space between his ears is anything but a perfect vacuum environment, still though not quite able to get over his showing pity toward me in letting me know I wasn’t the ugliest looking white person he has come across, hi, again, Poli?


Poli, the more I think about it the more beneficial 4 all if u were able to get one of the talking heads u appear with regularly on TV tu join in our conference call, don’t bother your folks unless u think this will put them into an early grave and u end up inheriting a bunch more money, mitigating somewhat your barfly “opportunity costs” u so enjoy swatting, remembering “opportunity cost” is the cost of the “next best alternative”,


And certainly, u would be stupid, not tu, bring along, just 4 kicks, your “Brown Fields” attorney girl-friend, willing tu bet, that as smart as she is, no doubt she might take a whip tu you once she reads all this, not that u would object, necessarily, cum tu think of it maybe Professor Aaron “BrownNose” Brown will have his wife join in on the fun and games, just remember I need only a one hour advance warning, hi again Professor.


David, I am assuming you haven’t gone and shaved your head like Derrick Beare so that you won’t be recognized, my promising Jake, his one of a kind eldest son, so incredibly kind in ripping me apart on the Folly Farm soccer field this past summer, that I would provide him with the incriminating photo of his father once misbehaving?


Not that I have any evidence Rabbi Weiss who I know rather well, also caught a slingshot to Mars




That he had  anything to do with setting any of the fires here in the southland in order to further distract me from what I do best, i.e. helping preserve the peace by painstakingly serving as a counterbalance to the media in cahoots with the corrupt politicians, every so often taking a “pot shot” at reckless so-called professionals, hi King Golden Esq., at one with one another, making it look like they are very much on top of their game, hi Valerie Schulte.


Now why the network chiefs can’t find a replacement for their anchors who acted like they had been out there on the firing line sum umpteen hours per day alongside the brave fire fighters is less of guess these days, especially those masses of folks who have not allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning who c the likes of Kimberly Hunt as rather pitiful actors, agree?


Nothing quite like “stirring the pot” if u know what you are doing, having all the right ingredients perfectly positioned and a master sergeant like Marie relaxing, in the Jacuzzi tub calling out directions, me currently under strict orders tu limit the scope of my exhibits, still not willing to consider JUST ANY type of job that would have me off “unemployment” even if meant my own corner office at Finkelstein and Krinsk typing away throwing in my pennies worth on the odd occasion such as


“Stop walking around the office like a leaky watering can and in a hunched position because u have a little bit of work to do, blah blah. Based on what I’ve seen your writing couldn’t get u out of 3rd grade. I don’t know how you passed the bar exam but we r going tu teach u how tu finally express ideas in a cogent and winning manner irrespective of your incompetence”


One of the rather good photos I took a week ago this past Saturday night could become another of Marie’s better than average paintings, and of course I am biased but don’t take my word on it, just ask the neighbors to mention little of the important role the “green room” painting did in selling the former beach cottage I rented to mention little once again of my having performed admirably, too weekends ago, the wild, Alaskan, salmon, along with, the salad, to mention just in passing the amazing dressing, avocado, ginger, +++, a cook book also in the works, yes sum piece of work, my Marie, can you imagine anyone else putting up with me?


Marie, who u can c in this hyperlink while putting out smoldering ashes a fortnight ago near our cabin reminded me of when my throat was scarred as Rabbi Weiss koshered our first home in Durban North, South Africa, sum 40 odd years ago, my middle brother Melvin once taking falling from a good 12 feet, eye first onto a concrete slab just to the left of the photo contained in that last hyperlink, all the gory details excluding of course photos of his eye hanging by a thread, my mother so incredibly composed continuing to knit away, can be found in The Winking Cat.


U may also notice Pypeetoe sleeping not quite “nose to nose” with Marie which is not all that unusual, her owning only one third at this time, ownership split between her, JoNathan and I, but of course my share of Pypeetoe remains part of the collateral 4 the odd buck here and there I have borrowed from Marie in helping out those more in need than me, so far not a single “poor soul” has offered me a handout despite at times looking so pitiful as I hand out my business cards, more and more folks though asking me for a business card be4 I can even finish the 15 second schpiel it takes to describe what Manager Minute One is all about.


Obviously I don’t dress poorly enough, just very recently Marie “putting her foot down” going out and buying me some “long Johns” although I am sure u would have used a different expression.


We are introducing a number of new sets of rules given the fact that the kids are becoming increasingly popular with their friends us being now so close tu the beach the kids mostly coming from other dysfunctional households, The Sperm Donor not the only retard out there, thinking nothing about just dumping their surfboards and gear all over the place in the same area where Marie’s ex, i.e. The Sperm Donor, not that anyone should ever forget, recently pranced around, violating our space, us shortly to inform the kids that if anyone including them c our spot as a “dumping ground” rather than dump the stuff in the street which could cause one of the dogs tu trip over, we will be donating the stuff to the likes of the Salvation Army and then we will c how long this tardiness lasts.


More to the point, Pypeetoe could very well be in the next Good Boy movie out next fall, assuming I can get him to leave lying under the covers, between Marie’s legs, again there is a limit tu how much she will let me expose, on command, although she says differently, there should be an “it” in there somewhere, time running out.


Please send your orders including how many copies you would like of The Winking Cat directly tu me and I will then forward them to the responsible parties trying to figure out the extent of my mother’s senility, not that long ago my mother, quite the actress at one time back when she was a kid putting on one grand performance, in mentioning to Marie that I had threatened to burn down a dwelling or too, possibly, like President Reagan once talking about being the captain of a bomber during WWII confusing the part he once played in a movie with the real thing, such as my incredible father.


My mother at the time was, however, under incredible stress, my having just informed her of a number of things, not that she was ever a guest at Arnold and Rosemary Zulmans when Chief Katsha Buthelezi, the Zulu warrior, visited with human feces not necessarily part of the first course, many folks now wondering what possible diseases they now have are attributable to the Zulmans’ slaves not necessarily thinking that highly of this uncle Tom, agree?


And of course Chief Buthelezi could get upset with me but nowhere near as upset as my mother got once she came to realize the thrust of Manager Minute One that had its origins going back to when I had my barmitzvah coming to realize how incredibly weak kneed were the so-called leaders of the Durban Jewish community who in my opinion behaved far more egregiously than any Black leader since such leaders essentially had a gun pointed at their head each and every day from every possible fricken direction, the Afrikaners no where near as disgusting as my English brothers and sisters, agree?


Make no mistake, as disingenuous as were the leadership of the Jewish communities, perhaps fair tu say throughout South Africa, the most rapacious groups who talked with the most vile, forked tongues, were those folks like the Oppenheimer family who spoke the liberal theme songs but gladly had the Gestapo in the form of BOSS cracking the whip making certain that there was a “ready and ample” supply of fresh black meat each and every day, night and day, tu dig for all that stuff that glitters, remembering, how important it is tu c the light, tu never be a pig at the trough, never ever ever tu forget the likes of the Lazarus clan were anything but hypocrites, much like German Jews be4 WWII, German first, Jewish second, this time though they were anything butt Jewish.


South Africans use the word “shame” quite a lot, I suspect we will be hearing that word used by them less and less.


What goes around comes around, sometimes returning with a vengeance of sorts, resorting to violence a certain way to come back as say a fire ant, a fire engine posted at each one of our rock cabins in Pine Creek no doubt saving both the structures incredibly as well as the immediate surroundings tu mention little of the full time residents located in Pine Valley, just south of us preventing them from being at the tip of the spear in the 100 wall of fire that engulfed many a home, between us and Lake Bear, the loss of life including that of wild life so easily avoidable if only those in power had simply done the right thing, going back to the time of the Indians who understood most of all the forces of G-D-Nature, the need for “control burns” essential to the health, wealth and most of all spirituality of the locals, time to c us all as one world as opposed to me, me, and me, the sum of the parts greater than the whole, whole numbers, i.e. integers, both real and imaginary.


Tu see is perhaps not as important as the ability to hear for a healthy mind can imagine things well beyond the spectrum of light although so often man is blinded by his own genius thinking that it is all about him-her when in fact it is as Mohammed Ali once professed, “Me We” the single shortest sentence imaginable, other than “I am.”


I once debated a rather brilliant physicist who contended that Pythagoras, perhaps the greatest mathematician-philosopher of all time, certainly the first scientist, could not have understood the “make up’ of artificial light, that the square root of a negative number must exists which even a junior high school student would know results in an “error”, no calculator in the world including Cray Super Computers capable of providing an answer that most logically minded individuals would accept as being anywhere close to “reasonable” since such an abnormality would defy conventional wisdom, yet.


Yet, as this rather smart gentleman articulated artificial light must by “its very nature” incorporate a wave in its emission so as to provide a constant “smooth” looking “glow of light” every single number “under the sun” both positive and negative creating its own “weather pattern”, and again, we are taught from a rather young age the notion of numbers being both “real and imaginary” the idea of even being able to comprehend something in one negative quadrant let alone “too” negative quadrants created when one intersects a horizontal line commonly known as the X axis with the vertical axis known as Y, is rather remarkable, agree?


Point being how it even came about that someone would envision the concept of say taking the shirt off someone else’s back leaving them with a bare back and then saying, “Now I am going to take another shirt away from you that you do not have one” is tu me rather incredible, the beginning though of what is commonly referred to as “trading” which may be at the heart of what has been the cause of ill feeling going back to the time of Abraham, such “movements” however, of going “back and forth” eventually leading to the invention of things such as the light bulb, which is tantamount to a vacuum tube, which ultimately led to the Digital Age nothing short of a G-D-Send, a saving grace, from what is in fact a “certain end” at least this “go around”, the power of prayer known to many but at this time insufficient, at least it is my opinion, to change the tide being propelled by such incredible greed, of a relatively few number of people in the “scheme of things”, agree?


Pythagoras, however, got it all right, his Number is the essence of all things, good or evil, crystallized pretty much everything we needed to know so as tu maintain a “true course”, that everything only becomes “gray” as opposed to “black and white” once we begin moving down a path that lacks spirituality where truth is no longer King, eventually leading to a whole lot “squinted eyes” in order tu c various shades of gray as is needed when establishing the right “values”, people like Confucius getting it mostly right but whose message lacked sound economic planning, the same with Communism, great in theory, but what if the leadership is rotten like many in our leadership today, the likes of Governor Gray Davis, no different to the stooges in the banana Republics like South African, to mention little once again of how good people like Ms. Laurie Black get co-opted to do the bidding of others, her inability to recognize that she is as much a part of the problem as those who actually gain the most from all the corruption and deception best illustrated in her deafening silence at this time following my suggesting she seek absolution back on September 17th.


To a whole number of people truth remains to a large degree a question of perspective but without “artificial intelligence” which resulted in a whole lot of greed being bred amongst all the classes we wouldn’t have the tools available to us today to keep track of the fools most importantly those who take each and every one us for being a bunch of morons as they go about being “pigs at the trough”.


My more recent emails have given those who know perfectly well I have not simply all my marbles, time 4 pause, not tu be confused with MEN-A-PAUSE, each and every one having a sense though of how relatively easy it is to tie up even someone such as myself with a myriad of frivolous lawsuits, to mention little of my significant resources very strategically located around the planet, again my intellectual property gaining on my art collection, perhaps even exceeding what I have painstakingly acquired over sum 25+ years, none more so perhaps than the email I sent to Mr. Richard Cooper this past Wednesday and the E-mail I sent to my very good friend Amos Wright on September 9th of this year, just one day after the anniversary of our JoNathan’s 10th birthday party when Marie’s ex, remember, The Sperm Donor, tried to get me to leave the “sanctuary” of my car, leading to a possible fist fight, all geared toward knocking out both Marie+Me’s lights.


Mr. Hurst Esq at this point knows rather well that I forget nothing, nothing of importance, that is, and second he will c tu it that his client NEVER hands the monthly child support check tu either of the kids, in the future it WILL always be deposited on the 31st of each month intu Marie’s bank account, G-D only help The Sperm Donor is he ever again hands either kid anything 4 my Marie in an unsealed envelope leaving the possibility them tu look inside thinking their Sperm Donor tu be anything more a Sperm Donor, once again, those pitiful monies don’t come anywhere near close to what would be considered “fair” in any court on the planet, once of course the full story is told, a story that is not unique, and the likes of me get the opportunity tu audit The Sperm Donor’s and his colleagues books.


Moreover, it is the same old story going back to almost the beginning of our species when man’s testosterone got the better of him, and why I am fixated on now getting the full story out, one step at a time, however, given The Sperm Donor et als opportunity, time and again, to do the right thing, taking, however, no chances, certainly not holding my breath, as you will see in my Next Symposium.   


I am thou looking to engage intellectuals such as Rabbi Weiss in our Next Symposium so if you come across any on your travels, hi Dennis Prager, perhaps frequenting your sandwich shop please hand them one of my business cards, hi, again, Mr. Hurst?


Sean, just print as many copies as you think you need in any given day, “baring in mind” [sic] that I probably give away anywhere between 5 and 500 in any given day, possibly the same number of workers Campbell Soup, Mr. Krinsk’s wife has to coordinate each and every day although they are all pretty much the same individuals, Campbell Soup no doubt using some of her skills and knowledge fine tuned in places like SAIC [Science Application International Corporation] interrogating the hell out of these people while insisting that the karma of her and husbands sanctuary never be unsettled, never tu forget the likes of Ms. Kathryn Murry and of course Ms. Vicky “Sticky” Schiff et al, the co-managing director of the WCG who, once again, masterminded and executed the rigging of California’s Gubernatorial elections held last November 8th, California the 6th largest economy in the world that is now more deeply than ever in debt, without quite the ability of the Federal Government “tu print”.


California’s natural resources very much under attack, most importantly it’s most valuable intellectual property, it’s inhabitants minds, never to forget the homeless, the so-called “illegal aliens” who work in the ever decreasing fields who don’t have the slightest notion of “child care” the decision by Mr. Burson the superintendent of the San Diego Unified School district to keep day care open while the schools were closed, while noble, and yes the right thing to do, says nothing about the systemic problems sumthing these lilly white wheaty eating elitists either know nothing about or choose tu ignore, take your pick. Hi, again, Jeff Rabin?


No one really that surprised the fires never engulfed the Indian Casino just “a hop-jump-and-a-scotch” [sic] from Stonehenge II, man, not G-D responsible both for the devastation which should bring out a lot of good including new vegetation for the deer that has been hidden for donkey’s years, the firefighters deciding to “draw a line in the sand” at the handful of cabins owned by a few very fortunate individuals.


It just so happens that by the time the fire reached the fringes of our dwellings, the land owned by the Federal Government, resources including fire trucks and personnel from further up north as well as those further east including adjoining states had been mobilized, timing is everything best described in




Hi, again, Diana Henriques, so what efforts have u made to follow up on question 29 to the co-managing directors of the WCG as contained in the E-mail tu Susan Bailey on October 27th and then more recently on November 12th, at one point interested in this property, and perhaps, still, me of course coming highly recommended, the property though “standing on its own too feet”. Tu repeat,


29) Now we know that one of the things u brought up when visiting with the top dogs of U.S. Filter about a week after their top dogs met with Governor Gray Davis was their ownership of sum 42,000 odd acres of land that Dick “over my dead body would u be able tu deal with Vivendi without me being a part of it” Heckman had acquired from the Bass Brothers of Texas while doing his rollup tu mention little of the rather telling piece of information Joe Campos provided Rod Smith, Professor Van Gundy and The Rattlesnake when all 3 first met on October 23rd 2001, Joe mentioning in no uncertain terms “sum fraud” perpetrated at the highest levels of the U.S. Filter when he, Joe Campos and Dan Weinstein, now co-managing director of the WCG were “lobbyists” for U.S. Filter, so please explain why in no time at all Mr. Joe Campos was no longer a renter of space from WCG, back at his old stomping grounds working 4 non other than U.S. Filter, i.e. Vivendi?



Would u like me tu read u the question again, remembering there are only too more questions to go?


I did not do my brisk morning walk along the beach from our beach house to The Cave, a week or so ago coming across a lot of soot from the fires deposited by the waves on to the shoreline, more dead seagulls than I have ever seen as many as 20 in the space of a quarter of a mile, eventually coming across a smoking canister that written had the word MARKER in bold black letters and I believe in red letters, Phosphorous, with instructions to call either the police or the military.


I first tried contacting the emergency line for the lifeguards, trying to save $1.50 in dialing 411, and after no one answered decided to call 911, very promptly being put in touch with the Del Mar fire department, the 911 operator obviously a whole lot smarter than the military folks responsible for the labeling of this piece of equipment that very possibly was tied in to some military maneuver which could have led to the death of all these seagulls.


I will leave this further investigation to either Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. whose Mondays are not as busy as they used to be, certainly he is getting less and less calls calling for him to lasso me in, I still cannot be certain that Mr. Krinsk who has yet to meet the other executor of my estate, Mr. Devin Standard, have not conspired with my wife, to divvy up my estate amongst the three of them, once they found ground tu have me committed to a lunatic asylum.


The beach house is actually a block from the ocean front, perfectly located, however, allowing us to hear the action of the waves, view the scenery of the surrounding hills but most importantly to hear the amazing sound of the trains, throughout the day and my only wish was that there were more trains during the night that depending on the weight, length and number of coaches puts me either into the deepest of sleeps or if awakened as the sound waves propagate intersecting with the sound of the waves due west, although I think when we are facing the ocean we are looking more south than west, I imagine things such as “Hey”


And how tu get people to pay for their “sins” without disrupting all the incredible good that is out there, again, most people are in fact good, hard working, and in the case of most abled bodied American men and women no more than 3 paychecks away from being out on the street, the problem being that as time goes on and we don’t fix the systemic problems more and more of these “good people” end up being co-opted by the greedy best illustrated in the deposition taken just over a year ago by Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. a rather “skilled and experienced” attorney who if I had the power within me to put out of business I would do so in a flash.


The problem with even getting out of work folk tu engage in a frivolous protest would amount tu naught even if I were able to hire them currently at say $6-$8 per hour, in time I suspect closer to $1 per hour if we are to begin competing with the rest of the world, it would be an effort in futility since like most SCALS [Shareholder Class Action Litigators] Mr. Krinsk really doesn’t have clients per se, certainly there are but a handful possibly too in all the years he has been practicing this rather important area of law who actually visit his and former U.S. Attorney, Mr. Howard Finkelstein’s offices.


On the other hand, if I were to say contact Mr. Bill Lerach which I plan to do as soon as I have got out a handful of other emails out tu c if he is interested in “picking up the slack” in going after Citicorp Ventures Corporation [CVC], the other Bill in his offices perhaps having had a heart attack?


You will not, however, find a symbol for this “Management friendly-Shareholder hostile” organization.


Then maybe as part of my compensation for helping Bill Lerach “kick start” his new practice, he will allow me to hang a banner from his new world headquarters across the main boulevard of Broadway promoting my hundred odd websites including all geared toward driving Mr. Krinsk and Mr. Finkelstein stark crazy, hi, again, Newell Starks?


Bill Lerach’s biggest competition no longer Melvyn “Mweissman” Weiss, their divorce all butt final, instead I suspect Finkelstein and Krinsk, over my dead body.


Mr. Lerach may be the most ticked off with me given the fact that I never returned his repeated phone calls back in the fall of 2000 when I decided to test out my own “weapons” by going tu The Internet, Perfect Storm II the final proving grounds of the effectiveness of, holding folks feet to the fire without going the lawsuit route, more so than my calling him a 1,000 pound hippo, or worse yet a “roach motel” given the fact that I am incredibly jealous of the amount of hair he still has on his head albeit Bill having played it in the past very “fast and loose” to the point that in also forgiving me for blowing up the Splash Technology lawsuit, he will in addition to the banner that will be held up on the other side of Broadway by folks at the accounting firm of Ernest and Young who are located I believe one floor above Finkelstein and Krinsk.


So much so, notice few “sics” lately, I have 10 minutes tu finish this email the time 6:00PM PST exactly, more interruptions than I would have believed at this time, that Mr. Lerach will then enter into a strategic alliance with Messrs. Finkelstein and Krinsk allowing them to devote 99.989% of their time to the Next Symposium, giving me a break to play with my toys, hear more of the sounds of the ocean as well as the train which when combined, working in perfect harmony is much like how I envision Frostbite playing tomorrow, the “back and forth” a constant reminder to myself to “get with the program” always aware of it taking just one step at a time, one even keeled person communicating with like minded persons, not necessarily all well heeled, my sandals getting a whole lot of “wear and tear” these days, hi, again, accountant Merrick Wolman, tu save us all from a fiery death leading back to our maker who then has the rather easy decision after downloading all the cuc build up in our organs to return us another time, having yet another opportunity to do good in short order, be that as an ant or a crocodile or even another human being, the world order constantly in balance, i.e. when last was there an accurate count done of rats or mice and how about fire ants, point being the only displacement I see from time to time being good people like Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk who was perhaps that one ruler of Europe who had all his peoples converting to Judaism, us lily white wheaty eating whites including Rabbi “Can’t duck me forever” Weiss being undoubtedly G-D fearing Christians.


Never tu forget that it was the Christian world here in North America that saved the 6 million odd remaining Jewish people of Europe from Hitler and his henchmen such as Eichman who spoke undoubtedly better Hebrew than many Jewish people I know including possibly me, at this time my Hebrew rather rusty.


What causes things to move about, attraction and repelling all within nature as well as in the cosmos, all major objects appearing to have within their core a solid ball of iron, a key ingredient in just about everything including a critical component in weapons of mass destruction, consumes most of my thinking these days, the movie The Pianist illuminating the greatness and at the same time frailty of the human spirit, an ingenious director by Roman Polanski who like each of us has made a mistake or too.


There cannot be, however, ever mistaking the incredible courage and fighting spirit of more than a handful of Jewish people who stood up to the greatest accumulation of evil in the modern history, the Holocaust unparalleled in terms of it uniqueness all geared toward destroying one single people hell bent on preserving the word of G-D who are taught from the earliest of ages to know more about the clay feet of their leaders than we know about their strengths unlike what is advocated by the equally sinful clergy within the church, mosques as well as Jewish synagogues who mostly advocate acquiesce to an order of rulers, who every so often like Bill “Wallpaper” Clinton throw in the name Jesus Christ, no different to those rulers of old ruling by “divine authority”, nothing whatsoever tu do, in my opinion, with the teachings of Jesus Christ, who from what I can tell was all about standing up tu the power elite, agree?


The Warsaw uprising should go down as the greatest resistance ever brought to bear on evil doers hell bent on destroying the human spirit engaging in the most horrific acts imaginable, co-opting “one of your own” to control those mostly just wanting to be left alone.


Butt when you allow Capos, i.e. stooges, in to your ranks, the instant you turn a blind eye to such incredible acts of evil you have no one to blame but yourself, certainly as someone like myself me, raised in the fundamentals of Judaism, never to be enslaved, ever again, never would I have given a single thought to blaming G-D but my fellow man beginning with those Jewish people who either joined the ranks of the Nazi as well as the indifferent who stood by who should have not waited for the kindness of say one Jewish guard or a German Officer tu lend a hand, how outrageous tu blame the Christian world when your own brothers and sisters failed tu respond appropriately.


The Painter may not be the greatest movie of all time but the one scene involving Jewish Capos standing in a straight line as their men, women and children were railroaded on to railway coaches should be required viewing at the entrance tu every single fricken holocaust museum in the world, so obvious the destination of the defenseless, not just because of the rumor mill, the pattern of bad behavior by the Nazis going back all the way tu Mein Kampf, the shame therefore resting squarely on the shoulders of those who allowed the Capos tu exist in the first place, at least this is my opinion.


Although raised in a Jewish Orthodox home where the likes of Rabbi Abner Weiss and his first incredible wife shone many a light, by the time I was barmitzvah I had figured out a number of things, the most important being tu keep my mouth shut tight, and wait patiently.


A Barmitzvah or Batmitzvah in the case of a girl is an event which tu many especially amongst the affluent is simply another fun party time, its symbolism meaningless, more important to show that you can afford a chauffer, the next time Marie + I take the kids tu visit with Derrick Beare in London the kids will be given sufficient money, and,




A duffle bag full of t-shirts tu sell, taught how tu read a map, speak clearly without having tu bring on an English accent, simply being able tu explain if need be, where approximately Folly Farms is located, while Marie + I are, not, chauffeured, butt, flown, in, on, President Bush’s presidential helicopter, shipped, in, just, for such an occasion, Derrick Beare possibly thinking at this time of contacting Campbell Soup tu find out the security system she has installed on her Point Loma sanctuary, possibly at this time tied in to the Navy Seals assuming Mr. Krinsk’s wife is reading these emails that Jeffrey is supposed to place under her pillow when he leaves for the office every day, agree?


The other evening because of their bedrooms being painted all part of the preparations tu beef up the beach house, these efforts not to be confused altogether with the reparations we will be seeking from the likes of Derrick’s uncle Dr. Jonathan Beare, again Jonathan should not be confused with my friend Dr. John Pollard or the American Israeli spy, Dr. Jonathan Pollard albeit Jonathan Beare, yet to prove, at least to me that he isn’t The White Mafia Don of Africa, despite being one of the most incredibly generous people on this planet, still working night and day, living possibly more frugally than me, certainly he cooks more meals at home than me,


No doubt I am incredibly jealous of Jonathan Beare’s culinary skills tu mention little of his ability to communicate with the likes of Mr. Norman Lazarus’ father, Mr. Bernard Lazarus, to find it within himself and his deceased brother’s offspring headed up today by Sidney Lazarus, tu do the right thing.


We are now down to attacking people’s pride, given the fact that money has become the embodiment of who they are, in the words of the last surviving son of William Randolph Hearst, Mr. Hearst the 6th,


“Money is tu many people just another layer of skin, keeping them warm, and woe be tu anyone who even attempts to take from them what they have no matter how they achieved their gains, reacting much like one would do if someone were to try and remove a layer of your skin” [sic].


Like my wife Marie, Mr. Heart, who I spent very little time communicating with in the rather short although very much in common with the length of time of most of my important assignments, knew very well how short people’s attention span is these days and could cut to the chase in short order, I simply stretched out his rather poignant assessment of human nature, never tu forget his “Tits and Ass” assessment of what the media r all about in catering tu the lowest common denominator, wouldn’t you agree Matt Potter et al?


My focus is tu sift the wheat from the chaff and this process of going “back and forth” is very much part of my design, design everywhere about us, although cumbersome, it is, as more and more folks realize, indicative of there being “method to the madness” a true understanding of Chaos Theory does not, however, require one to be mad, to walk around with one’s head embedded into one’s chest, not being able to c let alone react to an incredible looking human being, women without a doubt the greatness creation to have ever stepped forth on this planet,


And of course I have not yet worked out fully what attracts men to men although I have a sense of why this occurs, gay men obviously, or so it seems to me, wanting to feel like a women, why else would a male want a penis penetrating his-her anus?


Again such language goes back to at least the time of the Symposiums of Aristotle, Socrates and Plato, oftenX I am confused, in terms of their order of appearance, their value system seemingly in tact, their references to their “favorites” crystal clear, perhaps protecting young ladies from a full frontal attack, the men so often at war, their testosterone very much out of control, agree?


I lost control of my belief in G-D the instant I caught wind of the shenanigans that befell the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies sum 33 odd years ago for the simple reason I was surrounded by supposedly “G-d fearing” individuals who I knew committed a heinous crime not simply putting my incredible father out of work, him certainly young enough to go get a job, quite able to help feed our family, both our parents never letting their or my siblings’ wants get anywhere near to being out of control, but the thousands of workers and their families and the small business owners very much dependant on my family for extending them credit, out on the street, my grandfather having started the business by picking unbroken bottles off the streets of Durban, South Africa simply never sat, well with me.


My parents attempts, however, to play down the evil of the leaders of the Jewish community “for the sake of peace” not tu focus attention on the poor behavior of Jewish people leading “undoubtedly tu more anti-Semitism” was very much out of sync with everything they and particularly Rabbi Abner Weiss had been preaching each and every Friday night and Saturday morning when I would religiously attend service, much like others of other faiths perhaps waking up to it getting a little boring when say having to go confession and lie about committing sins, “I hit my sister, lied to my mother” rather than appear sinless.


So spineless, everyone looking tu put a different “spin” on things, turning the other cheek, putting on their tzitzit which is a religious garment, laying “tefilin” the bizarre arm and head ornaments to communicate with what began to me to seem like people from Mars, that I began tu dig very deep, going into a shell, knowing that there had to be more to our life here on earth than being nothing more ostriches, wearing feathered hats, looking more and more like peacocks that maybe there was something in the written word guiding each and every one of us along the way, somehow we having gone astray, the 10 Commandments being so very clear yet for sum reason there was all this commentary that now had masses of people going around and around in circles yet despite all the horror of the bible the unkindness in many ways directed at the animal kingdom there were words such as “Hear O Israel I am the Lord thy God, God is one” which were so profound, clearly it seemed rightfully attributable to some higher power but the repetition it seemed was falling on deaf ears.


How could it be that such incredibly logical teachings got so misunderstood, more importantly I felt hell bent on searching for the genius within, the fact that Numbers is one of the 5 books of Moses, my still not knowing 4 certain which one, nor do I care to find out, I would rather spend the time with my Marie and true friends than waste any more time in reaching a more definitive “proof” of the existence of G-D, instead to now go the other way, and let others make the argument that G-D does NOT exist and how that bears on their purpose on this planet other than it all being about them.


So Mr. King Golden Jnr Esq et al now is your opportunity to “get with the program”, get on your fricken soup box, not tu be confused with that flat bed trailer you once stood on in the fall of 1972 alongside Senator Muskie as you lusted mostly over your own self important while nailing a woman or too in the crowd so iin awe of your standing, you so incredibly fricken similar to Poli Pollak who I have yet to meet, enough tu make me vomit, although if you cough up a few bucks or too tu help continue getting our websites et al on track to be the number one, two, three… websites on the planet, all could be forgiven, but I wont hold my breath.


Make no mistake though, as you well know, being so well versed in terms of what went on in Judge Hendrix’s courtroom back on October 24th of last year, there is a growing audience and those deafening silences from the likes of Professor Aaron “BrownNose” Brown are nothing short of ear shattering.


Krystal Nicht should have been the wakeup call for everyone no more so than the Jewish community of Durban South Africa who upon catching a glimpse let alone hearing the disgusting pontification of Nazi rhetoric by the likes of Gunter and Bernard Lazarus along with their families were afforded the best seats in the Orthodox Jewish Synagogue located on Silverton Road at the corner of Musgrave Road while the black slaves prepared their Sabbath meals, to mention little once again of there being not a single placard of protest at either the Orthodox Synagogue or our Jewish Day School had me realizing the importance of “holding my tongue” as Rabbi Weiss each and every Friday night got up on his preacher box and recited profound words such as, “Guard my tongue…” that seemed given the audience the greatest profanity to be exhibiting before our Lord. 


G-D willing, and assuming no further interruptions my plan is to get a follow up broadcasted email out to Dan Cohen, and probably just 5 more folks, again assuming I don’t get any further unnecessary interruptions, first though, there are the Sabbath requirements.


Time to fly.




Ps – my computer is once again acting rather strange and with it approaching 7PM PST I will send this out as is and check it sum other time.


Footnote 1: Michael Rap is the real estate business partner of Donny Gordon who is one of the biggest insurance players in the world. Michael Rap was at one time married tu my father’s first cousin who mothered 3 of Michael’s kids. There is of course a Mr. Michael Rapaport who I visited with on several occasions back in the very early 1980s although Michael probably wouldn’t remember me, since I was nothing more than a “fly on the wall” over at Codiam Inc. an organization made up, of rather sophisticated  businessmen, who rarely wore suits in this very very unsophisticated very very very crooked business, all ex-South African characters, working out of a rather small office on 47th Street in New York City.


Sumwhere I have a business card with Codiam’s name at the top and my name somewhere underneath.


There is a silver lining tu everything, one just has tu look very carefully and be willing tu call a spade a spade, make the most of the cards one is dealt and if remaining true tu oneself, most of all, true tu one’s faith, upon one’s death there will be plenty tu celebrate about especially as u get tu shake hands with those who did u down, those who may have tried and failed, those who watched never lifting a finger tu help, now all of them returning tu planet earth in another go around although their form will undoubtedly change.


Change is in the air, change builds character. And so it is written, clear as a whistle, another train has just passed by, the time 4:04 PM PST.